Joint Faculty-Student Committee

Sergio Cecchi
Type of body
Commissione Paritetica Docenti-Studenti
Human Sciences
The Joint Faculty-Student Committee has the following aims:
  • to supervise and monitor the educational offer and the quality of teaching;
  • to supervise and monitor student service activities carried out by teaching staff and researchers;
  • to determine criteria for evaluating the outcomes of the above activities;
  • to provide opinions on the establishment and cancellation of degree programmes.
Specifically, the Joint Faculty-Student Committee of the Department of Human Sciences sees its role as an opportunity to strengthen collaboration between teaching staff and students enrolled in the degree programmes offered by the Department.  
To this end, in addressing the issues in its main areas of responsibility, the Committee promotes meetings and opportunities for debate, so as to involve all the various members of the community, whose skills add value to the Department: technical-administrative staff, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and research grant holders.
These meetings, as well as allowing constant monitoring of the various issues, have allowed the Committee to start thinking in an inclusive way, taking into account the views of the members of the Department, thus making it possible to analyse the various aspects in detail. Indeed, participants in these meetings have always been encouraged not only to identify critical issues, but also to suggest solutions that could provide food for thought for a lively debate.
Believing that the University is not only a matter of numbers and credits, but first and foremost a great opportunity to experience university life, the Department felt that the mandate to establish a Joint Faculty-Student Committee was the ideal opportunity to grasp a new awareness of the University's structures and to strengthen intergenerational dialogue, which, although already present at the University, had not been actively pursued until then.
The main purpose, then, is to provide opportunities for debate on issues relating to teaching and university life as a whole, in order to contribute to making the University a place of growth and opportunities, thinking in an inclusive way about the problems that the members of the University’s community may encounter, and striving to provide solutions.
The Joint Faculty-Student Committee is part of the University’s Quality Assurance system.

Nicole Caslini
Sergio Cecchi
Presidente Vicario
Giorgio Erle
Presidente Vicario
Alessandro Fiore
Riccardo Gini
Sara Marelli
Francesco Miceli Sopo
Ilaria Possenti
Marco Salvati
Maria Signoretto
Federica Valbusa
Fabio Vicini
Niccolò Giovanni Panareo
external member



Department facilities
