Marta Milani

foto,  June 10, 2024
Associate Professor
Academic sector
PAED-01/A - General and Social Pedagogy
Research sector (ERC-2024)
SH3_1 - Social structure, social mobility, social innovation

Research sector (ERC)
SH2_2 - Social inequalities, social exclusion, social integration

SH2_1 - Social structure, social mobility

Palazzo Zorzi-Polfranceschi,  Floor 1° ala Vipacco,  Room 1.32
+ 39 045 8028332
marta|milani*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

Office Hours

Tuesday, Hours 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM,  


Marta Milani is a Senior (Tenure Track) Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Verona, a university from which in 2014 she obtained the title of PhD in Education and Loglife Learning. She is the coordinator of the Center for Intercultural Studies headed by Prof. Agostino Portera, as well as a member of the Cooperative Learning Study-Research-Training Group. Her research interests are focused on intercultural education, especially the development of intercultural competence in the school-educational field and the use of Cooperative Learning as a method-methodology to foster inclusion. Her work pertains to the departmental research lines related to citizenship and social inclusion, migration and multicultural societies, and group cooperation and conflict.



Modules running in the period selected: 18.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Education in the ages of life (2024/2025)   9  eLearning LABORATORIO DI PEDAGOGIA DEL CICLO DI VITA [Gruppo B]
Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science General Pedagogy [Matricole dispari] (2024/2025)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Intercultural Competences (2024/2025)   9  eLearning
Professional Master's programme in Teaching Italian as a second language Pedagogia e metodi di formazione interculturali (2024/2025)   3  eLearning
Master in Intercultural Competence and Management - mediazione interculturale, comunicazione e gestione dei conflitti Pedagogia generale e sociale: competenze interculturali e cooperative learning (2024/2025)   2  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Education in the ages of life (2023/2024)   9  eLearning LABORATORIO DI PEDAGOGIA DEL CICLO DI VITA [Gruppo B]
Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science General Pedagogy [Matricole dispari] (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Intercultural Competences (2023/2024)   9  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Education in the ages of life (2022/2023)   9  eLearning LABORATORIO DI PEDAGOGIA DEL CICLO DI VITA [Gruppo B]
Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science General Pedagogy [Matricole dispari] (2022/2023)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Intercultural Competences (2022/2023)   9  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Education in the ages of life (2021/2022)   9  eLearning LABORATORIO DI PEDAGOGIA DEL CICLO DI VITA [Gruppo B]
Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science General Pedagogy [Matricole dispari] (2021/2022)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Intercultural Competences (2021/2022)   9  eLearning
PAS A245 Foreign language: French Didattica generale e didattica speciale (2014/2015)   15    DIDATTICA SPECIALE

Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.

Research groups

Departmental Interdisciplinary Research - SCHOOL (ARIdip – SCHOOL)
The Group proposes a research project on the topic "School and social cohesion in Italy".
Centre for Intercultural Studies
The main aim of the Centre for Intercultural Studies, established at the Department of Educational Science in 1998, is to conduct research, provide cultural services, and develop education theories and teaching methods for a pluralist and multicultural society. The Centre supports and engages in intercultural education, counseling, research and training for schools and professionals in the fields of education, healthcare, social work, law, culture management, business, media and local government. The Centre operates in collaboration with several institutions, authorities and associations, both public and private, national and international, and with accredited professionals. It also cooperates with the IAIE (International Association for Intercultural Education). The Centre disseminates knowledge and information at a local, national and international level to researchers, experts, educators, social workers, and economic and legal advisers.
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
Intercultural Competence Analysis of intercultural educational practices and methodologies. Analysis of the concept of intercultural competence in the fields of education, intercultural mediation, business, social work and healthcare. Inclusive societies and citizenship practices
Cooperative Learning Study of cooperative learning as a learning method-methodology through social mediation for the promotion of educational contexts of well-being and fully inclusive. Inclusive societies and citizenship practices
Intercultural Mediation and Counseling Analysis and study of (inter)cultural mediation and intercultural counseling to know how to move between different cultural frames (recognizing clues of contextualization and to act effectively within a specific cultural frame) both - and above all - to know how to interact effectively in the relationship with culturally different people. Inclusive societies and citizenship practices
Title Starting date
INTRACOMP – Intercultural and Transcultural Competence Through Collaborative Cultural Expression 2/1/25
METEOR – Methodologies for Teamworking in Eco-Outwards Research 11/1/24
Dialoguing@arts – Advancing Cultural Literacy for Social Inclusion through Dialogical Arts Education (dArts) 1/1/24
Dialoguing@arts . Advancing Cultural Literacy for Social Inclusion through Dialogical Arts Education (dArts) 1/1/24
VVV - Voglio Vedere Verde: virtual simulation of natural ecosystems to express, share and communicate the need for greenery in the environment 12/28/23
CA.STOR.I “Costruire Alleanze e STORie di Inclusione” 12/1/23
Gender Equality (Street View Approach) in Primary Education 9/1/23
Mapping Teacher Training in Europe (MATT) 1/1/19
Creation of Continuous Development Programme for Educators (CCPD4E) 1/1/15
Educational Achievement, Social Inclusion and Cohesion: Innovative Strategies, ICT and Evaluation Models 2/1/13
Cooperating to Learn Together 1/1/13
RICK's Cafe: Renewing Intercultural Competences and Knowledge Spaces 9/1/10
Educazione interculturale alla cittadinanza a scuola e nei media 1/1/10


Marta Milani
Office Collegial Body
member Faculty Board of PhD in Human Sciences - Department Human Sciences
member Collegio Didattico di Scienze Motorie - Medicine and Surgery
member Council for the Degree Course for Professional Educators - Department Human Sciences
Comitato Scientifico del Master in Comunicazione Europea, Media e Giornalismo interculturale - Department Human Sciences
Comitato scientifico del Master in Intercultural Competence and Management - mediazione interculturale, comunicazione e gestione dei conflitti - Department Human Sciences
Comitato Scientifico del Master in Intercultural competence and management - mediazione interculturale, comunicazione e gestione dei conflitti (in ambito aziendale, educativo, sociosanitario, giuridico, dei mass media e per l’Italiano L2) - Department Human Sciences
Comitato tecnico del Master in Comunicazione europea, media e giornalismo interculturale - Comitato Scientifico del Master in Comunicazione Europea, Media e Giornalismo interculturale - Department Human Sciences
member Comitato Tecnico Scientifico - Department Law
member Comitato Tecnico Scientifico (Centro di Negoziazione e Mediazione Neg2Med) - Department Law
member Comitato Tecnico Scientifico del centro di Negoziazione e Mediazione Neg2Med - Department Law
member AQ management group for master's degree in pedagogy - LM85 - Council for the Degree Course for Professional Educators - Department Human Sciences
associate prof. Consiglio del Dipartimento di Scienze Umane - Department Human Sciences


Department facilities
