Leonida Tedoldi

Leo 5,  June 16, 2018
leonida|tedoldi*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Not present since
October 31, 2019
Associate Professor

Leonida Tedoldi is an associate professor of history of political institutions at the Department of Human Sciences. He is a historian and a political scientist, after a long research activity on the history of legal institutions, He has been dealing with the history of the political institutions of the late twentieth century for more than a decade. He has also taught history of the international institutions and I carry out teaching and research activities in some Spanish universities and the Centre d'Etudes des Normes Juridiques "Yan Thomas" (EHESS) in Paris. He also carry out a constant poilitical analyst activity for national radio programs and print media.
Currently He is also collaborating with the "Giornale di Brescia".


Modules running in the period selected: 54.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Master’s degree in Historical Studies (interuniversity) History of Political Institutions II [Sede VR] (2019/2020)   6   
Master’s degree in Publishing and Journalism History of Political Doctrines (m) (2018/2019)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities History of Political Institutions (i) (2018/2019)   6   
Master’s degree in Historical Studies (interuniversity) History of Political Institutions II [Sede VR] (2018/2019)   6   
Master’s degree in Publishing and Journalism History of Political Doctrines (m) (2017/2018)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities History of Political Institutions (i) (2017/2018)   6  eLearning
Master’s degree in Historical Studies (interuniversity) History of Political Institutions II [Sede VR] (2017/2018)   6   
Master’s degree in Publishing and Journalism History of Political Doctrines (m) (2016/2017)   6  eLearning
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities History of Political Institutions (i) (2016/2017)   6  eLearning
Master’s degree in Historical Studies (interuniversity) History of Political Institutions II [Sede VR] (2016/2017)   6   
Master’s degree in Historical Studies (interuniversity) Further linguistic competence (Historiografical concepts in English, French, German and Spanish-speaking context) [Sede VR] (2015/2016)   3   
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities History of Political Institutions (i) (2015/2016)   6   
Master’s degree in Historical Studies (interuniversity) History of Political Institutions II [Sede VR] (2015/2016)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies Political philosophy SC (p) (2015/2016)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Contemporary History (2014/2015)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Social Work History of Social and Political Institutions (2014/2015)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Contemporary History (2013/2014)   9   
Bachelor's degree in Social Work History of Social and Political Institutions (2013/2014)   6   
Master's degree in European History and Geography History of international organizations (m) (2012/2013)   6   
Master’s degree in Historical Studies (interuniversity) History of Political Institutions II (2012/2013)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Social Work History of Social and Political Institutions (2012/2013)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences History of international institutions (2011/2012)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Social Work Anthropology and history of institutions (2010/2011)   6    STORIA DELLE ISTITUZIONI POLITICHE E SOCIALI
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences History of international institutions (2010/2011)   6   
Master's degree in European History and Geography History of international organizations (m) (2010/2011)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities History of Political Institutions (i) (2010/2011)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Social Work Anthropology and history of institutions (2009/2010)   6    STORIA DELLE ISTITUZIONI POLITICHE E SOCIALI (Esercitazione)
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities History of Political Institutions (i) (2009/2010)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Social Work Anthropology and history of institutions (2008/2009)   6    Storia delle istituzioni: esercitazione
Storia delle istituzioni: teoria
Master's degree in European History and Geography History of international organizations (m) (2008/2009)   6   
Degree for Experts in Training Processes History of Political Institutions (2008/2009)   4   
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities History of Political Institutions (i) (2008/2009)   6    Parte II
Degree in Communication Science: publishing and journalism Political Science (i) (2008/2009)   6   
Degree for Experts in Training Processes History of Political Institutions (2007/2008)   4   
Degree in Arts and HUmanities History of Political Institutions (p) (2007/2008)   6    Parte II
Degree in Social Services History of Social and Political Institutions (2007/2008)   4   
Specialised degree in the History and Geography of Europe Historia de las practicas judiciales penales y de las culturas juridicas europeas y del mundo atlantico (s) (2007/2008)   6    Seminario
Historia de las practicas judiciales penales y de las culturas juridicas europeas y del mundo atlàntico
Degree for Experts in Training Processes History of Political Institutions (2006/2007)   4   
Degree in Arts and HUmanities History of Political Institutions (p) (2006/2007)   6    PARTE II
Degree in Social Services History of Social and Political Institutions (2006/2007)   4   
Degree for Experts in Training Processes History of Political Institutions (2005/2006)   4   
Degree in Arts and HUmanities History of Political Institutions (p) (2005/2006)   6   
Specialised degree in the History and Geography of Europe History of Political Institutions (s) (2005/2006)   3   
Degree in Social Services History of Social and Political Institutions (2005/2006)   4   
Masters in Journalism (until 2007-2008) History of the political doctrine in the journalism (s) (2005/2006)   6   
Degree for Experts in Training Processes History of Political Institutions (2004/2005)   4     
Degree in Social Services History of Social and Political Institutions (2004/2005)   4     
Masters in Journalism (until 2007-2008) History of the political doctrine in the journalism (s) (2004/2005)   6     
Degree for Professional Educators History of Social and Political Institutions (2003/2004)   4     
Degree in Social Services History of Social and Political Institutions (2002/2003)   4     
Degree in Social Services History of Social and Political Institutions (2001/2002)   4     

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Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
The Council of European Ministries from 1960s up to 1990s. This is a new research topic (for me) that is inscribed in a broader one concerning the complexity of the decision makers' action within the top bodies of the Community and then of the European Union. Inclusive societies and citizenship practices
Political systems, governance
History of Italian, Spanish and French State during the Second Half of 20th century. My research focuses on the and analysis of the historical issues of some European states, starting from the Italian one and then extending also to the Spanish post-Francoist one up to the French one of the Fifth Republic. The topics most investigated are the government and the head of the executive and the relationship between governments and the growth of public debt from the Seventies of the Twentieth century to the beginning of the millennium. Inclusive societies and citizenship practices
Political systems, governance
Title Starting date
El Estado español desde el fin de la Transición hasta la democracia 4/1/14
Emigrazione, esilio e deligittimazione politica 3/1/13
Stato occidentale e globalizzazione 1/1/13
Stato, governi e crescita del debito pubblico in Italia dagli anni Settanta agli anni Novanta del Novecento 9/1/12
Alle origini della giustizia internazionale dall'arbitrato ai Tribunali permanenti. The Invention of International Justice. From the Arbitration to Permanent Court of International Justice (XIX century-1922) 1/1/11
Le pratiche e l'azione della giustizia e della sicurezza sociale nell’Europa tra settecento e ottocento 1/1/05
Ai confini d'Italia: insediamenti e traffici fra Adige e Garda (2005) 1/1/05
Giustizia e costituzionalismo nel XIX secolo (continuazione, anno 2004) 1/1/04
Edizione del carteggi fra Giuseppe Mazzini e George Sand 10/1/03
"Riforma" e "riforme" negli Stati italiani del Settecento 10/1/01

Leonida Tedoldi
Office Collegial Body
member Council for the Department of Art and Geographical History
member Philosophy Department Council


Department facilities
