
Developmental changes and real-time dynamics in mother-infant communication: A microgenetic study  (2010)

Lavelli, Manuela; Fogel, A.
Developmental changes and real-time dynamics in mother-infant communication: A microgenetic study
Tipologia prodotto:
Contributo in atti di convegno
Tipologia ANVUR:
Contributo in Atti di convegno
A Stampa
Titolo del Convegno:
BPS (British Psychological Society) Developmental Psychology Section Conference 2010
September 12-15
Intervallo pagine:
Parole chiave:
Microgenetic approach, mother-infant communication, developmental changes, real-time dynamics
Breve descrizione dei contenuti:
This contribution is aimed to show the relevance of microgenetic designs to study change processes in early mother-infant communication. The focus is on how analysing and understanding changes at the micro-level of real-time dynamics of mother-infant co-regulation - intensively observed over a period that crosses a key developmental transition - is fundamental to understanding changes in maternal and infant behaviors during communication at the macro-level of developmental time. Twenty-four mother-infant dyads were videotaped weekly during a naturalistic face-to-face interaction between birth and 3 months, across the 2-month transition indexed by the onset of social smiling. Developmental trajectories of face-to-face communication showed a curvilinear development with a significant increase between weeks 4-10, depending on the dyad. Changes in maternal behaviors paralleled the main developmental changes in infant behaviors. The microanalysis of change processes in the relationship between maternal and infant behaviors in real time revealed a dynamics of mutual influence: e.g., the onset of infant Smile(IS) and Cooing(IC) significantly affected the occurrences of maternal Reflecting(MR) that, on the other hand, encouraged significantly the expression of IS and IC giving rise to sequences of positive feedback that amplified and organized the emotional exchange, and continued to increase through the 3rd month.
Id prodotto:
Handle IRIS:
depositato il:
25 ottobre 2010
ultima modifica:
28 ottobre 2022
Citazione bibliografica:
Lavelli, Manuela; Fogel, A., Developmental changes and real-time dynamics in mother-infant communication: A microgenetic study  in BPS Developmental Psychology Section Conference 2010 - AbstractsAtti di "BPS (British Psychological Society) Developmental Psychology Section Conference 2010" , London , September 12-15 , 2010pp. 69-69

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Progetti Collegati
Titolo Dipartimento Responsabili
Attenzione e affetti nel contesto della comunicazione faccia-a-faccia madre-lattante: cambiamenti evolutivi e differenze individuali nel primo trimestre di vita (Lavelli, PRIN 2004-2006) Dipartimento Scienze Umane Manuela Lavelli


