Progetti di ricerca

Filtri applicati:
Titolo Responsabili (o referenti locali) Enti finanziatori Anno Durata (mesi) 
Visceroceptive pathways to bodily self-consciousness: behavioural and neurophysiological studies of cardiac, respiratory and gastro-intestinal interoception in healthy and diseased people Valentina Moro 2024 24
METEOR – Methodologies for Teamworking in Eco-Outwards Research Marta Milani 2024 36
Generazioni unite: Innovazione e inclusione nell’Age Diversity Management Roberto Burro 2024 12
The neural signature of embodiment in spinal cord injury Valentina Moro 2024 12
Profilazione SMART sensoriale e psicologica per incrementare la soddisfazione del consumatore di vino e facilitare il processo di acquisto. Roberto Burro 2024 18
Dialoguing@arts – Advancing Cultural Literacy for Social Inclusion through Dialogical Arts Education (dArts) Marta Milani 2024 42
Profili delle vulnerabilità familiari per indirizzare i servizi Debora Viviani 2024 6
CA.STOR.I “Costruire Alleanze e STORie di Inclusione” Marta Milani 2023 14
PROGETTO PRIN PNRR Ageing, health literacy and digital skills through the Pandemics Cristina Lonardi 2023 24
Preventing scam in the elderly: development of tools and identification of early markers to detect susceptibility to deception in healthy and pathological aging Valentina Moro 2023 24
Explicit and Implicit Investigation of LGBTQ+ Conspiracy Beliefs from an Intergroup and Intragroup Perspective Marco Salvati 2023 24
PRIN 2022 - Social capital as resource of care practice in Italy: Caregiving and social support in pandemic time (Prot. 2022B58JHF) Luigi Tronca MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca 2023 24
PRIN 2022 - Global Civic Education. Transforming global citizenship education into practice through civic education (GloCivEd) Marcella Milana 2023 24
PRIN2022 “Islam and Muslims in Italy: Actors, Social Space and Relations between Religious Communities and the State” Fabio Vicini 2023 24
PRIN 2022 CIP - Corpus of Italian language for Preschoolers. Lexicon directed to Italian preschool children from 3 to 6 years collected from heterogeneous sources in Italian and Italian Sign Language Marinella Majorano 2023 24
Gender Equality (Street View Approach) in Primary Education Marta Milani 2023 36
Il turismo degli itinerari e dei cammini. Una ricerca qualitativa sul ruolo del turismo nella valorizzazione delle eredità storico-religiose Sandro Stanzani 2023 12
ASSIG Analisi del Sistema dei Servizi: Interviste ai Genitori Chiara Sità 2023 36
(Mal)usus legis. Regolamentazioni amministrative del lavoro e mestieri tradizionali itineranti di rom e sinti Stefania Pontrandolfo 2022 24
Erasmus+ 2022 KA Switchoff Riccardo Sartori 2022 24
Collective Responsibility towards Nature and Future Generations Giorgio Erle, Giulia Battistoni 2022 36
Quiet Aid: Service and Salvation in the Balkans-to-Bengal Complex Fabio Vicini 2022 54
University-Community resources through Service-Learning(M) for the inclusion of Migrants/Refugees – Erasmus + Project KA220-HED-91BBCA97 Alessandra Cordiano 2022 60
dolore cronico e cognizione Valentina Moro 2020 60
How the human mind makes use of contraries in everyday life. A new multidimensional approach to contraries in perceptlon, language, reasoning and emotions. Roberto Burro, Ugo Savardi 2016 192


