Return to work after maternity leave: the role of support policies on work attitudes of women in management positions
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Articolo in Rivista
Tipologia ANVUR:
Articolo su rivista
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Organizational policy, Commitment, Flexible working, Women executives, Work psychology, Role conflict, Work engagement
Short description of contents:
Purpose. This study is intended to expand our knowledge on the processes through which work-family policies relate to work-family conflict as well as work-related attitudes among women in management positions returning to work after maternity leave. Design. Two-hundred and thirty-eight women in management positions who recently have returned to work after maternity leave completed a self-report questionnaire. Findings. Results show that the availability of policies was either directly or indirectly positively related to work attitudes among female managers. Also, findings show that work-family conflict partially mediates the relationship between the availability of communication and psychological support and flexible time management policies with work engagement, and policy availability moderates the relationship between work-family conflict and work engagement. Originality/value. Managers have a crucial role in conveying the value of work-family policies and in creating a culture supporting the management of work and family. By investigating the processes underlying the role of work-family policies in influencing work attitudes of women in managerial positions, this study sheds light on how the awareness of the available policies might be an important determinant of work-related well-being and organizational commitment.
Costantini, Arianna; Dickert, Stephan; Sartori, Riccardo; Ceschi, Andrea,
Return to work after maternity leave: the role of support policies on work attitudes of women in management positions«GENDER IN MANAGEMENT»
, vol. ahead-of-print
, n. ahead-of-print
, 2020
, pp. 1-23