ATLAS#VERONETTA For an integrated supportive community. Network intervention among the University of Verona, LAA-LAVUE ENSA Paris La Villette and Associations

Starting date
September 1, 2016
Duration (months)
Human Sciences
Managers or local contacts
Di Nicola Paola , Mortari Luigina

Research conducted by the Department of Human Sciences on the impact assessment of the University of Verona in the territory of Veronetta, in economic, social and cultural terms, which is part of the broader ATLAS action research project, proposed by third sector subjects with the partnership University of Verona, which involved the Departments of Juridical Sciences, Human Sciences and Cultures and Civilizations. The ATLAS project (October 2016 - November 2017) is financed by the Cariverona Foundation and co-financed by the Departments involved. The research is the original contribution of the Department of Human Sciences. The subjects involved in the project are: University of Verona, Departments of Cultures and Civilizations, Juridical Sciences and Human Sciences, LAA-LAVUE ENSA Paris La Villette / CNRS, Network of Veronetta Associations (18 third sector associations). Project co-financed by the Cariverona Volunteer Foundation, Philanthropy, Line 2 Charity Solidarity Community. The specific objectives of the research are the following: assessment of the impact of the University in the territory of Veronetta, in terms both economic, social and cultural; assessment of the subjective perception of residents of the quality of life in terms of greater / less security, major / minor urban degradation, major / minor control related to the presence on the territory of the University; identify any expectations in the direction of redevelopment and "smart" use of urban spaces in relation to the University and to the anti-public; description of the places of Veronetta in their connotations of use and life from the point of view of the resident population; bring out representations, strengths and critical points of the district from the point of view of the residents; identify elements of quality of living / living Veronetta; organizing opportunities for active confrontation and social creation between the university sites and the places / inhabitants of the neighborhood. The research is exploratory, aimed at falsifying the hypothesis of a substantial indifference of the residents of the district in the presence of the University in their territory. The research is conducted on a representative sample of the population residing in Veronetta. To the stratified sample of 350 residents chosen from the adult population and randomly sampled by gender and age, a questionnaire is administered to closed questions that investigates the following areas of study: the socio-demographic profile of the interviewee; social networks of belonging and social capital; use of services; opinions on the current personal situation of the interviewee; institutional and generalized trust; participation; University and territory: the perception-assessment of the University's presence compared to the demographic characteristics of the neighborhood, the development of new services, the growth of new job opportunities, urban redevelopment (increase of green spaces, cultural offer, improvement of the quality of housing). In the general design of the research, specific attention is given to the history of Veronetta, not only from the economic-productive point of view, but also from the point of view of the various restructuring and redevelopment projects that have invested it and with respect to which University was considered irrelevant.


Funds: assigned and managed by the department

Project participants

Federica De Cordova
Assistant Professor
Antonietta De Vita
Associate Professor
Paola Di Nicola
Temporary Professor
Maria Luisa Ferrari
Associate Professor
Cristina Lonardi
Associate Professor
Lorenzo Migliorati
Luigina Mortari
Full Professor
Luigi Tronca
Full Professor
Title Authors Year
Fiducia e impegno civico a Veronetta Tronca, Luigi 2018
La presenza dell'Università a Veronetta: valutazione, percezioni, vissuti dei residenti Di Nicola, Paola 2018
Università e territorio: luci ed ombre della presenza dell'Università a Veronetta Di Nicola, Paola 2018
Veronetta, quartiere latino. Una ricerca tra università e città a Verona Di Nicola, Paola 2018


Research facilities
