TALK: language and literacy curriculum for preschoolers and school-age children: a programme to improve inclusion, scholastic achievement and social well-being (Erasmus + project 2017)

Data inizio
1 settembre 2017
Durata (mesi) 
Scienze Umane
Responsabili (o referenti locali)
Majorano Marinella
Parole chiave
language development, early literacy, well-being

This study uses an innovative approach (Teaching and assessing language for kids’ hereafter TALK), which combines a range of methodologies in a cross-cultural perspective in order to study two specific areas: the continuity between preschool and primary school and the assessment of early competences. The aims are:to implement a baseline of assessment at the end of preschool that could improve the transition to primary school, describing the specific skills and competences of children across a wide variety of developmental characteristics and special needs. We aim to construct an instrument for the early evaluation of competence in a number of language and communication dimensions – with a predictive value;to implement an intervention programme to support the teachers’ educational strategies in order to improve the development of those children’s skills considered most important for facilitating social inclusion; to test the programme’s ability to predict and improve the learning abilities and social well-being of the children in their first year of primary school; to compare the use of the TALK in different cultural contexts – Italy, Belgium and Romania – in order to adapt the instrument to cultural specificities and to promote integration and collaboration between different countries.

Partecipanti al progetto

Manuela Lavelli
Incaricato alla ricerca
Marinella Majorano
Professore associato
Marika Morelli

Collaboratori esterni

Eddy Hoste
Hogeschool (Gent)
Marco Lombardi
Hogeschool Gent


