The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren

Starting date
January 30, 2012
Duration (months)
Cultures and Civilizations
Managers or local contacts
Gecchele Mario

The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren, in collaboration with Prof. Mario Gecchele, Pedagogist, and Prof. Rosanna Cima, Pedagogist, Department of Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy, University of Verona. The project consists of two distinct parts: administration of a questionnaire to the grandparents (1500 grandparents) to investigate their relationship with the grandchildren and administration of free topics to primary and secondary school children with a related design to investigate their relationship with their grandparents . The database to be implemented with the texts of the themes was constructed, the students and the students were trained in the use of the qualitative database for the subsequent analysis of the texts of the collected themes; we collected the data of the questionnaires to be submitted to statistical analysis.

Project participants

Rosanna Cima
Assistant Professor
Mario Gecchele
Temporary Professor
Cristina Lonardi
Associate Professor


Research facilities
