Mirco Costacurta

Research Scholarship Holders
Academic sector
costacurtamirco*gmail|com <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

Mirco Costacurta (he/him) is a research fellow in social psychology at the Department of HumanSciences at the University of Verona where he works on conspiracies against LGBT+ people. He previously did his PhD in Social Sciences at the University of Padua with an ethnographic study on kinky rituals in men who have sex with men. He previously obtained a bachelor’s degree in
education and three master’s degrees: philosophy, psychology and sociology at the University of Padua. His commitment is not limited to research, but for ten years he has also been involved in sex-positive militancy and sex education for young people and adults with some NGOs, such as Arcigay.

Recent publications: 

Salvati, M., Pellegrini, V., De Cristofaro, V., Costacurta, M., & Giacomantonio, M. (2024). Antecedent Ideological Profiles and Negative Socio-political Outcomes of LGBTQ+ Conspiracy Beliefs. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 1-13.

Costacurta, Chiorri, Salvati. (2024). The Mindful Acceptance of Others’ Emotions to Reduce Sexual Prejudice and Transphobia Among Cisgender Heterosexual People. Analyses of Social
Issues and Public Policy. (ongoing publishing)

Urciuoli, C., Pennini, I., Marocco, M., & Costacurta, M. (2023). Mappatura dello stato della salute sessuale e dei servizi di gestione dell'HIV in trenta capoluoghi di provincia italiani. Europeajournal of volunteering and community-based projects, 1(2), 1-24. https://pkp.odvcasarcobaleno.it/index.php/ejvcbp/article/view/82

Costacurta, M. (2021). Le sessualità devianti nel lockdown del 2020 in Italia. Analisi di 16 interviste condotte con persone che hanno violato la quarantena nazionale per coltivare
l’intimità. Rivista Italiana di Antropologia Applicata. Anno VII, Edizione II–Dicembre 2021, 7, 7. http://rivistadiantropologia.it/images/Edizioni_Rivista/Dicembre_2021_-_Anno_VII_-_Edizione_II _-_Rivista_Italiana_di_Antropologia_Applicata.pdf#page=7

Costacurta M. (2021). Clandestine intimacies during the 2020 lockdown in Italy. How similar deviant behaviors are produced by different sexual scripts. Social Escapes, 3.

Costacurta M., Scarcelli, C. M., Rinaldi, C. (2021). Sex work maschile: dalla strada al web. Sicurezza. Sicurezza e scienze sociali. IX. 3/2021. Franco Angeli. DOI:10.3280/SISS2021-003005

Costacurta, M. (2021). Kinky. Cos’ è “sessuale”?. Quaderni del Laboratorio Interdisciplinare di
ricerca su Corpi, Diritti, Conflitti, 55. https://www.unipa.it/dipartimenti/cultureesocieta/.content/documenti/Quaderni-del-laboratorioInte

Della Valle C., Costacurta M. (2020). Dal globale al locale. Rappresentazioni sociali emancipate del climate change nell’attivismo ambientale veneto. Culture della sostenibilità. 25.


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