Rosi Bombieri, PhD, focuses her research work on the emotional and relational dimension in educational and didactic contexts, Social and Emotional Learning and its implications for teacher training, ethics and citizenship education, and qualitative methodology in educative and didactic research. She is a member of CRED (Centre for Educational and Didactic Research) and Melete (Centre of Ethics for Care) at the University of Verona. She is involved in the ‘Melarete’ project (educative and research project on virtue ethics in pre-school, primary and middle schools), and in ‘The Nous Project’ (educative and research project on affective self-understanding in primary and middle schools).
Modules running in the period selected: 27.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.
Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:
Topic | Description | Research area |
Qualitative research in education | Develop a theory and tools for the practice of qualitative research in educational contexts. The competency makes particular reference to the theorization of research that responds to the pedagogical specificity of action and respects ethical characteristics that make it an opportunity for educational enrichment for participants. The methods developed are inspired by the naturalistic paradigm, naturalistic epistemology and phenomenological philosophy. |
Inclusive societies and citizenship practices
Theory and practice of education |
Teorie e pratiche di educazione socio-emotiva | Analizzare e approfondire le pratiche educative e didattiche relative al costrutto del Social and Emotional Learning e i relativi fondamenti teorici nel contesto della letteratura scientifica internazionale, al fine di sviluppare progetti formativi scientificamente fondati, indirizzati agli studenti e ai docenti. |
Inclusive societies and citizenship practices
Theory and practice of education |
Title | Starting date |
MelArete 2. At the School of Friendship and Gratitude | 9/1/20 |
Melarete | 9/1/14 |
The Nous Project | 9/1/14 |
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