The QA Management Group

Valentina Moro
Type of body
Quality Assurance Board
Human Sciences

The QA Management Group monitors and coordinates the Department's activities in the three strategic areas in order to guarantee the quality and the attainment of the Department's goals. It meets periodically the Department Director and is composed by the chairpersons of the Departmental commissions for didactic, research, third mission, and internationalization.

Massimiliano Badino
Delegato alla ricerca scientifica
Stefano Capuzzo
Personale TA
Federica Corvaglia
segretario verbalizzante
Cristina Lonardi
Delegato alla comunicazione
Marinella Majorano
Delegato alla TERZA MISSIONE
Roberta Silva
Referente di Dipartimento Assicurazione della Qualità
Chiara Sita'
PhD coordinator
Gianluca Solla
Delegato alla DIDATTICA
Luigi Tronca
Direttore Vicario
Fabio Vicini
Delegato alla Internazionalizzazione


Department facilities
