The Commission for Third Mission

Debora Viviani
Type of body
Quality Assurance Board
Human Sciences
The Third Mission Committee has, in general, functions of promotion, monitoring and support to the supervision of the Third Mission activities within the Department of Human Sciences. Specifically, the Third Mission Committee:
  • proposes to the Department Council the strategic guidelines for the departmental Third Mission activities;
  • identifies and proposes to the Departmental Council the departmental priorities related to the Third Mission activities and their updating, if required by the Board of the Department or by the same Departmental Council;
  • expresses opinions in relation to the possible activation of collaborations between the Department and other subjects for Third Mission activities, upon request of the Board of the Department or the Departmental Council;
  • monitors the Third Mission activities carried out by the Department and its various articulations (centres, laboratories, professors, etc.);
  • upon the request of the Departmental Council, formulates and proposes to the Departmental Council the criteria for allowing contributions to the departmental Third Mission activities, where appropriate, it also examines and evaluates the requests for contributions to departmental Third Mission activities and makes proposals to allocate these resources to be submitted to the Departmental Council.


Department facilities
