The aim of the course is to provide the knowledge and methods necessary for teaching Legal Sciences in secondary schools, with specific attention to the purposes and contents indicated by the ministerial discipline in the different paths (technical institutes, professional institutes and high schools). The candidate must be able to propose teaching strategies in accordance with the PECUP (educational, cultural and professional profile) on exit and the specific training context in which the normative skills are inserted. In order to enhance the role of the Constitution and the international and community dimension of rights, particular importance will then be given to the teaching of civic education, so as to develop full awareness of the rights and duties of student-citizens, as well as the complex and plural society within which they are called to relate. Considering these objectives as a premise, the course aims to explore the following topics: mobility of people and migration, discrimination, violence and harassment, topics that will be treated from the perspective of work and the law that deals with it.
There is no dedicated learning assessment, but a final discussion of the topics covered in class with a view to enhancing the teaching of teachers.
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