Theories of school and education [Edizione 1] (2019/2020)

Course code
Name of lecturer
Daniele Loro
Daniele Loro
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Language of instruction
LEZIONI PF24 dal Mar 6, 2020 al Sep 30, 2020.

Lesson timetable

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1. What does it mean to become a teacher:
a) it means assuming the specific role of "teacher" and exercising it as a "professional";
b) it means being part of a complex work organization: the school, its history and its aims;
c) it means carrying out an activity in contact with growing subjects, with their families and with social expectations;
d) it means taking on a role of "animation", "leadership" and "coordination".
2. What are the basic tasks of a teacher:
a) "Educate", that is to say activate the double process of teaching and learning;
b) acquire the didactic and communication skills necessary to activate the dual process;
c) knowing that you are an "interpreter" of your discipline and a privileged "witness" of its value;
d) knowing how to "individualize" and at the same time "personalize" one's teaching ability.
3. Who is the teacher, beyond the exercise of his professional role:
a) he is an "adult" person who lives a specific age of life, with its particular characteristics;
b) living as adults involves going through the stages of adult life, with "generativity" at the center;
c) living as adults means getting to know yourself and understanding the "hidden logic" of life;
d) as an adult, the teacher is aware that teaching requires an educational approach towards pupils: the close
relationship between education and education.
4. What is the ultimate aim of the teaching profession:
a) to contribute to the dual process of "training": to give shape and take shape;
b) train pupils in search of their personal "proprium";
c) train pupils in search of the "intellectual heart" of all forms of knowledge: the true, the beautiful, the good;
d) train pupils in search of a new paradigm of thought; think in "complex" terms, reflect on the "knowledge of
knowledge", cultivate the "symbolic" vision of reality.

Reference books
Author Title Publisher Year ISBN Note
D. LORO Diventare insegnanti. Identità, compiti e responsabilità della professione docente 2020 Dispensa

Assessment methods and criteria

Mandatory text for everyone:
- D. Loro, Become teachers. Identity, tasks and responsibilities of the teaching profession. The lecture notes will be
available in e-learning mode at the end of the lessons.
Choice text, among the following, for those who are personally interested in deepening some topics, presented during the lessons:
- M. Benasayag, To work or to exist ?, trad. from the French, Milan, ed. Life and Thought, 2019 [ed. or., 2018].
- C. M. Fedeli, Guardini educator, Lecce-Rovato (BS), ed. Think Multimedia, 2018.
- F. Garelli, Education, Bologna, ed. il Mulino, Bologna, 2017.
- G. Mari, School and educational challenge, Brescia, ed. The School, 2014.
- E. Morin, Teaching to live. Manifesto to change education, trad. from the French, Milan, ed. Raffaello Cortina, 2015
[ed. or., 2014].
- G. Pietropolli Charmet. The unsustainable need for admiration, Rome-Bari, ed. Laterza, 2018.
- M. Recalcati, The lesson time. For a teaching erotic, Turin, ed. Einaudi, 2014.
- P. C. Rivoltella, An idea of school, Brescia, ed. Scholé - Morcelliana, 2018
- P. Triani, The educational collaboration, Brescia, ed. Scholé - Morcelliana, 2018.


Modes of the lessons: as scheduled, the lessons will take place between June 5 and June 13. If possible, they will be held in the usual way of classroom lessons. Should the block of teaching continue, the lessons will be held in the same period in the e-learning mode, in particular in the video-recording mode. The registration will then be available on the Moodle platform, alongside the course.

Exam methods:
─ the exam will be in writing, lasting 2 hours and will consist of 3 open questions. Only one protocol sheet will be
available to answer the questions;
─ each question will be formulated from the pantry. The questions will be formulated in such a way that the student,
if he wishes, can attach a personal reflection to the topic of the question, and to the contents studied.
Evaluation criteria for the answers given: the score will be articulated as follows: 10 points overall for each of the three answers given.
For those who have read one of the texts proposed for personal study, and wish to present the main contents of the text, together with their own reflections, there is the possibility of being able to use, if necessary, half a protocol sheet, in addition to the one delivered to the start of the test. The presentation of a personal study, if evaluated positively, will contribute to integrating the final grade.
