Psychology of school learning [Edizione 2] (2019/2020)

Course code
Name of lecturer
Laura Fontecedro
Laura Fontecedro
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Language of instruction
not yet allocated


The course will focus on the following thematic groups: processes of development and adaptation of students to the school context; cognitive, affective, motivational processes of students and students during their developmental pathways and in relation to school curricula; Relations between emotions and learning; cognitive, emotional and motivational correlates that mediate the relationship between technological innovations, learning and scholastic adaptation; reasoning and problem solving; self-building processes; development of social skills; typical and atypical psychological development processes; biological and neurophysiological foundations of typical and atypical psychological development processes; intercultural relations; the school-family relationship and the building of a relationship of trust with parents. Lectures will be accompanied by small and large group exercises on cases, tools, methods and projects.

Reference books
Author Title Publisher Year ISBN Note
Albiero P. (a cura di) Il benessere psicosociale in adolescenza Prospettive multidisciplinari Carocci editore, Roma 2012 9788843060351 capitoli da studiare per l'esame: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8.
D'Amico S., Piccardi L. Psicologia per insegnare Zanichelli, Bologna 2019 Consiglio la lettura dell'intero volume. Per l'esame richiedo i capitoli: 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 12.

Assessment methods and criteria

We recommend a study mode based on the constant dynamic combination between elements of theoretical content and elements of an application and experiential character.

The assessment will take place through a final written test, with 3 open questions formulated in order to verify the learning, knowledge and understanding of the acquired knowledge. Each question will be evaluated with a mark out of thirty, the final mark of the exam will be the average of the partial evaluations. The evaluation will take into account four dimensions: knowledge of theoretical contents (25%); ability to use a language appropriate to the contents studied (25%); knowledge of the appropriate methodologies and tools in the various themes (25%); ability to re-elaborate the contents studied (25%).

There are no differences between attending students and non-attending students in relation to exam content, modes and texts.
