Course not running

Course code
Name of lecturer
Isabella Scolari
Isabella Scolari
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Sem. 2A, Sem. 2B

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

The course aims to analyze, on one hand, the clinical aspect of the world of affections, of anguishes and of inner experiences and, on the other hand, the aspect of the professional workability, of the doing and of the producing, exploring the dynamism between the affective and the operational life, both at an individual level and in the relationship individual – group.
The relational bond will be treated as elective level of the psychic life, centered on the internal dynamics of the individual and of the group.
Therefore, it will be considered the individual as a bearer subject of emotions and affections, but also as an operating and productive subject.
The group will be considered both in its connotation primal-familial, and as a reference group at different levels of complexity, such as organisation and institution.
It will be better defined the topic of the uneasiness and of the suffering at a personal and professional level in the relationship with the surrounding environment.
This topic will be analysed as emerging not only of the one, as individual and worker, but also as emerging group and, in this sense, as a mechanism of influence on worker’s health and on the efficiency of the organization itself.


During the course it will be better defined the constitutional aspects of the clinical psycology in the education and training area.
It will be focused the uneasiness and the suffering of the individual and of the group, in order to evaluate the resources for the changeover, both as a clinical intervention and as intervention on the professional role and on the organization.
At the operational level of clinical listening, it will be very important the analysis of the demand, of the actual conflicts, of the anxieties and of defenses engendered by the task/aim of the group/institution.

1. Pani R., Biolcati R., Saglischi S. (2009), Psicologia clinica e psicopatologia per l'educazione e la formazione, Bologna, Il Mulino.

2. Forti F., Patruno D., (2007), La consulenza al ruolo, Milano, Guerini e Associati.

3. Bleger J., (1989), Psicoiegiene e Psicologia istituzionale, Loreto (AN), Libreria Editrice Lauretana.

Un libro a Scelta tra:
4. Favretto, G. (2005), Le forme di Mobbing, Milano, Raffaello Cortina.
5. Ege, H (2005) Oltre il mobbing: straining, stalking e altre forme di conflittualità sul posto di lavoro, Milano, FrancoAngeli
6. Hirigoyen, M.F. (2000) Molestie morali : la violenza perversa nella famiglia e nel lavoro, Trento, Einaudi

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination for the attending students will focus on the lessons performed in the class and on articles indicated in the website
The exam will be oral, both for attending and unattending students.
