Labour Organisation and Human Resource Development (2009/2010)

Course not running

Teaching is organised as follows:
Unit Credits Academic sector Period Academic staff

Learning outcomes

Module: MODULO 1
The monographic course is up to offer to the students an approach focused on the emerging organizational models like : quality systems and ethic certification ( corporate social responsibility ), well-being in the organizations and happiness economy, the networking in the frame of the rise and development of the network society, the trans-cultural management in the frame of the human resources development for the immigrant workers integration ( diversity management).

Module: MODULO 2
The main purpose of the course is to give the students a reading of the main organizational models that have been applied in the past and are still used by companies in different contexts of activity. In addition, the course will examine some emerging issues related to the management of human resources in the company.


Module: MODULO 1
The programme of the monographic course encompasses the following contents :
- Origin and evolution of the quality systems and their effect in the organizational change
- Social Responsibility and ethic certification : what is the impact on the management and development of the human resources ?
- Well-being in the organizations and happiness economy
- Rise and evolution of the modern network society : access era, social networks, community interests
- Organizational models and human resources management in the multicultural and intercultural milieu in the frame of the migration flows and immigrants’ integration in the labour market

Books for the exam :

First Option : Quality Systems :
a- Basic text: “ I padri della qualità” (The Fathers of Quality ) by Prof. Romano Toppan ( available on line on the web site of the programme or on demand by e-mail)
b- Supplementary texts :
- Masaaki Imai (2001), Gemba Kaizen.Come ottenere crescita e profitti con l’innovazione continua, Editrice Il Sole 24 ore,Milano
- Power point on QUALITY (available on line on the web site of the programme or on demand by e-mail)
- Power point on KAIZEN (available on line on the web site of the programme or on demand by e-mail)

Second Option : Well-being and organization :
a- Basic texts : Favretto G. (2007) Organizzare la soddisfazione in sanità, Franco Angeli/Sanità, Milano or Favretto G.(2005), Le forme del mobbing, Raffaello Cortina Editore,Milano.
b- Supplementary texts :
- Toppan R. (2007) Verso un’economia della felicità, Atena editrice, Padova (Towards a well-being economy : from page 61 to page 125. Available on line on the web site of the programme or on demand by e-mail)
- Toppan R.(2007), Veneto, una “cifra” di felicità,, N. 9,1 Settembre (available on line on the web site of the programme)

Third Option : Ethic in business :
a- Basic text : Toppan R. (2006), Verso una società ospitale, Regione Veneto Editore (Towards a welcome society: except the section on legislation, point A.1).Both available on the web site of the programme or on demand by e-mail ,also in English.
b- Supplementary texts (available on line on the web site of the programme or on demand by e-mail) :
- Toppan R. (2007),Responsabilità Sociale delle imprese : SA 8000, CSR, AA1000 ( Corporate Social Responsibility etc:)
- Toppan R. (2008), Affari etici,, N.3,1 Marzo

Module: MODULO 2

The organizational question: definitions and problems
Some archetypes of modern organizations
The technological cycle: the Rohmert & Lucazk model
The Industrial Revolution and the early attempts to rationalize the work


Theories and models of work organization
The beginnings of organizational thought - classical school (Weber, Fayol)
Effort, industrial monotony, efficient and productive
Classical job-analysis (Taylor, Ford, Gilbreth)
The movement of human relations (Mayo)
Socio-technical systems
The model “man-machine-environment” (ergonomics)
The theory of bounded rationality (Simon)


Organizational behavior:
The conflict:
- groups in the organizations (Bass, Lewin, Likert)
- cooperation, collaboration, competition (interactive and operational efficiency)
- organizational change and resistance
Decisions (decision making)
- the heuristics and the human errors
- decisions and pressure group
Emerging organizational issues:
- privacy in the company
- social engineering
- use of internet on workplaces

Assessment methods and criteria

Module: MODULO 1
Students, before the exam ( at least 10 days before the date of the exam to which students apply) are asked to communicate to the professor by e-mail ( or ) one of the options above mentioned. Exam will be focused on the contents of the option selected and will be applied in written form (multiple choice test).

Module: MODULO 2
The examination includes a obligatory written part, the same for attending and not attending the course, on the notes of professor Favretto and will be done through a questionnaire profit multiple choice. The students attending the course will also support the oral, voluntary, after the written part.
