Social Psychology (2008/2009)

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Course code
Federica De Cordova
Teaching is organised as follows:
Unit Credits Academic sector Period Academic staff
Modulo I: parte istituzionale 3.5 M-PSI/05-SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Sem. 1A Franco Cesaro
Modulo II: psicologia applicata ai servizi 3.5 M-PSI/05-SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Sem. 2A Federica De Cordova

Learning outcomes

Module: Modulo I: parte istituzionale
The course’s objective is set

- to clarify the capisaldis of the historical, theoretical and scientific run of the discipline from the origins to our days. The fundamental themes of the Social Psychology and the work of search and study of the principal thinkers will be treated, with particular reference to the themes of the communication and the behavior of the individuals inside the small groups.
- to face the sphere of the daily experience according to the modern approaches of the cultural psychology and particularly of the positive psychology.

Module: Modulo II: psicologia applicata ai servizi
2. Social psychology Applied to the Services: initially the sphere of the daily experience will be faced according to the modern approaches of the cultural psychology and particularly of the positive psychology. In the progress particular attention will be given to the "relationship with the other", with particular reference to the processes of social construction of the relationship of help to the others. In according to place the concerning themes will treat the individual and social change.


Module: Modulo I: parte istituzionale
In the first part, particular relief will be given to the positive psychology, to the understanding of the scientific model, of the biological background orientations, of those psychoanalytic, of those behaviorists, of those gestaltistis and pre-cognitivists. In according to place it will detain on the interaction perspectives and partner-constructive as well as on the critical afterthought and on the new perspectives and sceneries of the modern social psychology, to conclude with the study of the European seams of the theory of the "social identity" and of the theory of the "social representations".
Particular attention will be given to the principal theoretical and conceptual references of the processes of social influence and the persuasion both in the relationships among single that inside the groups. Some casuistic connected practices will be studied the spheres of the communication in partner-political circle as well as their ethical implications and ethical; particular relief will be given to the problematic afferentis the pathological communication, the television communication and that mediated by the computer.

The second part will be treated thematic pertaining to the mutual relationship between construction of the identity and social trials in a perspective of improvement of life conditions in the social one and inside the organizations: the theories of reference are those of the complexity, of the quality of the subjective experience and those afferentis the circle of the cultural psychology and the positive psychology, seen in their more actual and inherent aspects of the practice of the "Profession of help to the other", as that of the social assistant.

Texts for the examination:
1. Palmonari A., Cavazza N., Rubini M., 2002, Psicologia Sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna
2. Inghilleri, P., 2004, La Buona Vita, Guerini e Associati, Milano, cap. 1,2 and two chapters to choice in the second part of the book..
3. Notes and material delivered during the lessons.

Module: Modulo II: psicologia applicata ai servizi
Particular relief will be given to the understanding of the "daily" as individual knowledge and as try social, facing its different problem list according to an intercultural approach: a close examination is anticipated "social representations" as theories of the common sense. Other element of interest will be rappresented by the study of the relationships among culture, identity and communication on the differences among styles sons-in-law and cultural variability. They will face the tied up themes to the relationship between egoism and altruism, as well as to the problem list of the perceptions, motivations and pathologies "to professionally help" furnishing fit theoretical tools to the individualization and the understanding of the peculiar characteristics of the relationship of help (among operators and users) and the relationships interdisciplinary three operators that practice their profession in services and different disciplinary circles. In the circle therefore of the relationship of help and the interpersonal relationships among operating different will be analyzed besides: attitudes, opinions, convictions, prejudices, explicit and implicit shared social practices, routines and automatisms, the language as social practice, the family, the political and juridical institutions, the causal attributions and of responsibility.
Besides the individual change matters will be faced related to the social change with particular reference to the dimension of the values and on the social ethic: particular relief will be given ti the deepened inherent themes the communication, the formation, the politics.

Texts for the examination:
Second Part (obligatory)
1. Mantovani, G., (a cura di), 2003, Manuale di Psicologia Sociale, Giunti, Firenze, with particolar attentino to cap. 3,4,5
2. Pedrazza, M., 2007, L’Educatore Extrascolastico, Carocci, Roma

A text to choice among the followings:

1. Gardner, H, 2005, Cambiare Idee, l’Arte e la Scienza della Persuasione, Feltrinelli, Milano. 3 capitoli a scelta
2. Bosio, A.C., 2006, Esplorare il Cambiamento Sociale, Franco Angeli, Milano. Cap. 1 and two chapters to choice.

Assessment methods and criteria

Module: Modulo I: parte istituzionale
the examination will be conducted in form of oral interview.

Module: Modulo II: psicologia applicata ai servizi
Final written test.
