Theoretical Philosophy (2008/2009)

Course not running

Course code
Name of lecturer
Paolo Giuspoli
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Sem. II B dal Apr 15, 2009 al Jun 1, 2009.

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

This course aims at providing the students with competences in order to elaborate the reasons of philosophical research through the critical comparison with other cultural and search perspectives, in relation with one’s own tradition and with the different special philosophical themes. The main aim is to favour critical reasoning and the interpretation of the different types of knowledge beyond the limits of disciplinary specialization.
In particular the focus will be on the comprehension and discussion of the theoretical orientations that have founded a new way of viewing the principal processes of the development of knowledge.
The course gives for granted the basic notions provided within the course of “History of philosophy”, and intends to analyse fundamental questions and texts of the modern and contemporary thought.


Nature and culture. Theoretical investigations and interdisciplinary researches
1. Instrumental uses of knowledge in Nietzsche’s philosophy
2. Problems and perspectives of the contemporary, interdisciplinary debate on this theme.
3. The Hegelian theory of the formation of culture: environmental conditionings; the ability of idealization; psychic passivity; habit; the body as "work of art" of intelligence; the developments of conscience; the rational awareness of one’s own cognitive actions; psychological-personal dimension and community dimension of knowledge; knowledge and creativity.


1) F. Nietzsche, The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche. Vol. 2: Unfashionable Observations, translated, with an Afterword, by Richard T. Gray, Stanford University Press, 1995, second piece and third piece.
2) G. Simmel, The Metropolis and Mental Life.
3) The Text of the Lectures on Hegel will be available at the end of the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

Final oral examination. The optional reading of text samples in original language will be valued positively. The texts are available at the Library of the Department of Philosophy, in via S. Francesco 22.
