The course places the objective of giving reading instruments in order to comprise the recent social dynamic that have invested the familiar relations. Although the family acts in the sphere of the private relations, it is one complex social construct that regulated the relationships between the gender and the generations, carrying out functions of social mediation and integration. In the contemporary society these functions are particularly important, characterized from crescent processes of fragmentation and social differentiation.
After a presentation of the most important cognitive approaches, an analysis of economic, social, cultural and political factors will be developed to focus the dynamics of the social change. In particular, one will put attention to the processes of individualization and the movements between the private/public sphere, and their influence on the relations and the inter-generational ties, creating new familiar configurations. A particular attention will be dedicated to the new social needs and the new forms of families.
Testi per l’esame (studenti frequentanti):
P. Donati, P. Di Nicola, Lineamenti di sociologia della famiglia, Carocci, Roma, 2002 (seconda edizione aggiornata): Introduzione; Parte prima, seconda, terza e quinta
P. Di Nicola (a cura di), Prendersi cura delle famiglie, Carocci, Roma 2002
M. Simoni, G. Zucca (a cura di), Famiglie migranti, Angeli, Milano, 2007
R.Volpi, La fine della famiglia, Mondatori, Milano, 2007
Testi per non frequentanti: i non frequentanti, ai fini dell’esame, aggiungono al programma uno dei seguenti libri a scelta:
P. Di Nicola, M. G. Landuzzi (a cura di), Crisi della natalità e nuovi modelli riproduttivi. Chi raccoglie la sfida della crescita zero?, Angeli, Milano, 2005;
M. Ambrosini, S. Molina (a cura di), Seconde generazioni, Ed. Fondazione Agnelli, Torino, 2004
Oral test.
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