This course is aimed to:
a)provide students with a basic knowledge on developmental processes from prenatal life to adolescence, as well as on the main theoretical perspectives that explain these processes;
b)promote the consideration of development as a complex dynamic process that emerges from the interaction between biological and environmental factors (biological maturation, environmental stimuli, relationship experiences within various ecological contexts: family, school, peer group, sociocultural context);
c)encourage discussions on how to use findings from psychological research with profit in education.
Social, emotional and cognitive processes that characterize developmental phases within different developmental domains will be presented in the light of the main theoretical perspectives and related research paradigms.
After a brief introduction to the most important issues addressed by developmental psychology, the lessons will focus on child development from prenatal and neonatal period through infancy, childhood and adolescence investigating the relationship between social, emotional and cognitive processes. A particular attention will be paid to the origins and development of intersubjectivity - i.e., the sharing of emotional states (and other states of mind as attention, motives, intentions) - within early social interactions.
1a) Levorato M.C., Lo sviluppo psicologico. Dal neonato all’adolescente, Einaudi, Torino, 2002.
1b) Handbook integration: Chapter on adolescence in Camaioni L. and Di Blasio P., Psicologia dello sviluppo, Il Mulino, Bologna, new ed. 2007.
One of the following volumes, according to personal interest:
2A) Lavelli M., Origini e primi sviluppi dell’intersoggettività, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2007.
2B) Siegal M., Conversazione e sviluppo cognitivo, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 1999.
2C) Pietropolli Charmet G., I nuovi adolescenti. Padri e madri di fronte a una sfida, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2000.
Written exam: the student will have 2 hours to answer to six open questions on topics illustrated in both the handbook and the monograph (see above). Students attending the course will have the opportunity to chose between written and oral exam (oral exams limited to June, July and September).
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