General Didactics and Group Labour Methods and Techniques (2007/2008)

Course not running

Course code
Name of lecturer
Luigina Passuello
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Sem. I A, Sem. I B

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

The course is aimed at achieving the following educational aims:
- to promote the acquisition of basic knowledge on some (theoretical and practical) aspects of the educational and teaching activity in formal and non-formal contexts;
- to introduce students to a systematic analysis of the educator’s professional role and action, particularly concerning two grounding topics: the educational relationship – analysed in its qualifying characteristics and in its problematic aspects – and planning, conceived as an indispensable means to orient the educational action;
- to propose team work as a methodological choice in teaching processes and as an instrument of discussion, of shared reflection, and of cooperation in several educational contexts.


- Features of the educational activity in school and in non-formal educational contexts;
- methodological orientations in non-formal education;
- educational planning: theoretical framework and operational lines;
- team group as an educational and teaching strategy and as a working modality in different educational contexts.

Texts for the exam:

- D. Maccario, Le nuove professioni educative. La didattica nei servizi socio-culturali e assistenziali. Carocci, Roma 2005 (chaps. 1, 4, 5, 6).
- P. Triani, Sulle tracce del metodo. Educatore professionale e cultura metodologica, I.S.U., Milano 2002.
- L. Passuello, Formazione e progettualità, in A. Agosti (ed.), La formazione. Interpretazioni pedagogiche e
indicazioni operative, Franco Angeli, Milano 2006, pp. 61-75.
- W. Johnson, R.T. Johnson, E.J. Holubec, Apprendimento cooperativo in classe, Erickson, Trento 2000.

One text chosen among the following:
- F. Francescato, A. Putton, S. Cudini, Star bene insieme a scuola. Strategie per un’educazione socio-affettiva dalla materna alla media inferiore, Carocci, Roma 2001.
- J.K. Liss, La comunicazione ecologica, La meridiana, Bari 1998.
- A. Agosti, Gruppo di lavoro e lavoro di gruppo. Aspetti pedagogici e didattici, F. Angeli, Milano 2006.
- P. Atzei (ed.), La gestione dei gruppi nel terzo settore. Guida al cooperative learning, Carocci, Roma 2003.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written test with open questions on the topics dealt with during the course. Any optional team work on topics agreed with the teacher will also be evaluated.
