The course proposes to introduce to the study of the Social Work as disciplines and as profession. The historical-philosophical presuppositions are illustrated from there, the object of study and intervention, the context of values and theoretical orientations that constitute the bases on which the methodological and scientific structure of the Social Work is founded.
-The answers to the social needs: models of reading and their historical evolution up to the actual politics of welfare state;
-problems of definition, classification, survey of the needs and their transformation in question;
-the birth of the Social Work as demand of professionalization of the interventions to answer to the social needs: from the philanthropic movements in the Anglo-Saxon countries to the foundation of the first schools of Social Work in Italy;
-the historical phases of development of the Social Work in Italy;
-the system of values and operational principles of Social Work;
-the object and the circle of intervention of the Social Work: the relationship person-environment. The general objectives and the functions of the social worker;
-fields and contexts of application of the Social Work: interdependence among values of the profession and purposes and values of the system organized of the services.
Texts for the examination:
Fundamental bibliography
-ALASIA G., FRECCERO G. et alii (1975), Assistenza, emarginazione e lotta di classe, ieri e oggi, Feltrinelli, Milano.
-NEVE E. (2006), Il Servizio Sociale. Fondamenti e cultura di una professione, Carocci, Roma.
-DIOMEDE CANEVINI M. e NEVE E. (2005), voce “Servizio sociale”, in DAL PRA PONTICELLI M. (a cura), Dizionario di servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma.
Bibliography of consultation
-DIOMEDE CANEVINI M. (2005), voci “Deontologia professionale” e “Storia del servizio sociale” in DAL PRA PONTICELLI M. (a cura), Dizionario di servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma.
-TASSINARI A. (2005), voce “Valori”, in DAL PRA PONTICELLI M. (a cura), Dizionario di servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma.
Texts to choice
-DAL PRA PONTICELLI M. (2001), “La professionalità dell’Assistente Sociale secondo la legge quadro di riforma dell’assistenza”, in EISS, Rapporto sulla situazione del servizio sociale, Tipigraf, Tivoli (Roma).
-FIORENTINO BUSNELLI E. (2002), “Principi e valori fondanti la professione: le prospettive degli anni 44/50, in La rivista di servizio sociale, n. 4 (pag. 129-139).
-PEDRINAZZI A. (2005), voce “Segreto professionale”, in DAL PRA PONTICELLI M. (a cura), Dizionario di servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma.
-ANFOSSI L. (2005), voce “Segretariato sociale”, in DAL PRA PONTICELLI M. (a cura), Dizionario di servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma.
-VALLIN O. (1947), “Problemi della formazione tecnica delle assistenti sociali e dell’organizzazione delle scuole di servizio sociale”, in Atti convegno per studi di assistenza sociale, Tremezzo, settembre-ottobre 1946, Marzorati, Milano.
The examination is constituted by a written test and an oral. The written test is articulated in two parts: the first part concerns the first three points of the program, and can be sustained in the session of February; the second part (the remaining points of the program) can be sustained by the first appeal of the session of June-July. The oral test can be sustained since the session of June-July, and it concerns on the whole developed program. The student has besides to bring to the oral examination one of the texts to choice.
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