The course aims at exploring the specificity of the pedagogical issue as an endless reflection about education, seen as a journey towards a way of being filled with plenitude and uniqueness, in order to give voice to the human project, as creative sign of an educational path, rooted in the unique concreteness of living. From this perspective, pedagogical attention is also focused on emotional dimension, which is often anaesthetized.
Pedagogical issue and educational action.
-The development of an authentic pedagogical issue calls for considering not only the matter of “how” and “what”, but also the matter of “why”, of searching for a frame of meaning which justifies the choices we can make.
-Thinking without preconceptions about educational event is useful in order to go beyond dualism (reason/emotion, thinking/feeling, theory/practice, etc.) and develop a reason in a whole way.
-The course aims at developing a reflection about the ways of educative communication, which is aware of its lights and shadows.
Reading list:
M. Contini, Per una pedagogia delle emozioni, La Nuova Italia, Firenze, 2002.
M.Contini, M. Fabbri, P. Manuzzzi, Non di solo cervello,Cortina, Milano, 2006.
Students are assessed by written test based on open-question.
Lungadige Porta Vittoria, 17
37129 Verona
VAT number01541040232
Italian Fiscal Code93009870234
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