Research groups


Mission To provide businesses with useful tools to objectively detect consumers' manifest and latent psychological variables, support operational and strategic choices related to the offer of products and/or services, calibrating them to the human cognitive structure. The ultimate benefit for the customer is to use resources efficiently, optimizing investments and reducing time to market, minimizing production costs and maximizing revenues as products and services will be "built" on the real needs of customers, consumers, and service users. Research Products The team has extensive research experience in the field of Cognitive Psychology, particularly in the study of human perception, language and reasoning. We aim to develop psycho-physical/psychometric algorithms (Cognitive Metrix Processors, CMPs®) that measure the mental contents that are activated when people experience a particular object/product or when they think about a particular object/product. These algorithms produce "knowledge databases" (Cognitive Metrix database®, CMdb) that are "high-definition" photographs (because they are obtained through scientific methodologies) of how people perceive a product (e.g., how pleasant they find a dress, or how robust a smartphone, or modern a piece of furniture, or intense an aroma, etc.), evaluate a service, understand the review of a wine or an advertising message, or an informed consent... These measures allow us to make reliable predictions about the impact of a given product and thus to bring supply and demand closer together on the market.

Erika Branchini
Temporary Professor
Roberto Burro
Associate Professor
External components
Ivana Bianchi
Università Macerata
Topic Research area
Psychophysics Metodi di ricerca nelle scienze umane
Psychology, Experimental
Psychology of Perception Metodi di ricerca nelle scienze umane
Psychology, Experimental
Psychology of personality and individual differences Metodi di ricerca nelle scienze umane
Psychology, Applied


Research facilities
