Research groups

Experimental Phenomenology of Perception Lab

The main scientific purpose of the EPhPLab group is to: a) Compare and integrate methods, contents, and theoretical paradigms of the Experimental Phenomenology of Perception (EPhP) with methods, contents and paradigms of contemporary Cognitive Sciences; this has involved the creation of an online database of texts (articles, books, manuscripts) constituting the corpus of scientific work as developed by the most active scholars of EPhP; b) Develop new research projects; over the last ten years, the group has developed a new approach to the direct perception of contrariety using phenomenological psychophysics; c) Promote and encourage studies involving other researchers and scholars, with special events and activities aimed at demonstrating the interaction between the EPhP and the psychology of art, the psychology of language, formal ontologies, all carried out in the multidisciplinary spirit of the cognitive sciences. Research members: Ugo Savardi (Full professor in General Psychology, University of Verona, IT) Ivana Bianchi (Associate professor in General Psychology, University of Macerata, IT) Roberto Burro (Researcher in General Psychology, University of Verona, IT) Erika Branchini (Ph.D. University of Verona, IT) Stefania Torquati (Ph.D. University of Macerata, IT) Michael Kubovy (Department of Psychology, University of Charlottesville, VA,USA) Ian Verstegen (Visual Studies program, University of Pennsylvania, USA) Marco Bertamini (School of Psychology, University of Liverpool, UK) Carlo Chiorri (Researcher in Psychometrics, University of Genova, IT) Fabrizio Bracco (Researcher in General Psychology, University of Genova,IT) Alessio Moretti (Ph.D. University of Neuchâtel) Carla Canestrari (Researcher in General Psychology, University of Macerata, IT) Luisa Zecchinelli (Conservatorio of Verona, IT)

Erika Branchini
Temporary Professor
Roberto Burro
Associate Professor
Topic Research area
Experimental Phenomenology Metodi di ricerca nelle scienze umane
Psychology, Experimental
Psychophysics Metodi di ricerca nelle scienze umane
Psychology, Experimental
Psychology of Perception Metodi di ricerca nelle scienze umane
Psychology, Experimental
Psychology of personality and individual differences Metodi di ricerca nelle scienze umane
Psychology, Applied
Psychology of art Metodi di ricerca nelle scienze umane
Psychology, Multidisciplinary


Research facilities
