Advanced/Professional development course in Assessment as a lever for learning in professional and technical training

Course not running


Assessment is a complex task, but it is also a strategy for guaranteeing quality teaching and learning processes. From a psychological point of view, assessment stirs up various feelings and develops expectations by both the assessors and those being assessed. In particular, technical and vocational training and IeFP (regional vocational education and training) require new ways of considering assessment, exploring alternative evaluation methods to those that have an almost exclusive emphasis on academic grades. The course will look at developing operational tools for skills-based assessments focused on increasing awareness and stimulating students' learning. Course outline: • Epistemological horizons of assessment: evaluation theories on quality and quantity; • Assessment practices in technical and vocational training and the regional IeFP; • Skills assessment; • Authentic tests and skills rubrics • Formats for constructing qualification tests at the end of IeFP programmes.

Course details

Degree type
Advanced postgraduate course
0 years
Supervisory body
Comitato scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale in La valutazione come leva per lo sviluppo degli apprendimenti nei percorsi di "Istruzione Tecnica e Professionale" e di "Istruzione e Formazione Profession
Main Department
Human Sciences
Macro area
Subject area
Education, Philosophy and Social Work