The Bachelor's degree in Primary School Education, unique in the Veneto, is a four-year course. It is divided into a two-year propaedeutic course with two areas of specialization: nursery school teaching and primary school teaching. The courses cover the following areas of study: pedagogy, didactics, psychology, philosophy, personal hygiene and medicine, law, sociology and anthropology, language and literature, maths and computer science, natural sciences, music, methods of developing motor skills, teaching foreign languages, history, art and crafts, and integrating disabled pupils into the school environment.
The first year is dedicated to general knowledge of the study of education. The second year is devoted to a first experience with the profession of teaching (interdisciplinary approaches, methods of doing research). The second two years, which also distinguish between nursery school and primary school, is primarily interested in building competencies in a wide range of disciplines within three areas of specialization: modern languages, science, visual arts and music.
The degree allows graduates to teach in either nursery schools or primary schools depending on the area of specialisation chosen. After having earned a degree in one of the two areas, the graduate may choose to proceed with a further year of study in the other area of study (details provided in the following pages). Moreover, by taking part in additional one-semester courses a graduate can acquire qualifications to work as a special education teacher.
In order to enrol for the Bachelor's degree, applicants must have either a five-year secondary school diploma or a four-year teacher-training diploma for primary schools teachers with 10 years of teaching experience.
The number of applicants that can be admitted to the University of Verona, as concurred by the relevant boards of education and the board of regional universities, is established every year and published in the official notice of admissions.
Further notes:
1. The third year courses are the same in both areas of study (nursery school teaching and primary school teaching). Nevertheless, the bibliographies for the two areas of study shall differ, as will the workshop activities for each area.
2. The fourth year courses and workshop activities are distinct for the two areas of study.
3. In the fourth year students choosing primary school teaching will need to select one of three areas of specialisation: linguistic, scientific, and artistic.
4. Attendance is compulsory for the workshop activities and internship.
For further information concerning the syllabus of the course please contact the Segreteria Didattica Scienze della Formazione Primaria Padova – Sezione di Verona.
For information regarding the administration of the course please contact the Segreteria Studenti della Facoltà di Scienze di Formazione dell’Università degli Studi di Padova.