
FamilyLivesLab is a transdisciplinary space aimed at the empirical analysis of "doing family" in its consolidated and emerging expressions, in its different phases and interactions with the public and private sphere, in its intimate and personal processes, as well as in those with public and institutional contexts.
The focus on "making a family" is placed at the intersection of the individual, social and cultural dimensions and casts a specific glance on the processes of social reproduction and the construction of central and marginal subjects, on the development of belonging, on the construction of ties of kinship and identity, on the effectiveness of educational and care processes and their intersection with sexuality and gender, ethnic or cultural belonging, and on how all this can produce subjective and social well-being and malaise.
The world of the family, especially in its relationship with the educational and care services, makes visible - first and more than others - the social and psycho-social dynamics and the emerging educational challenges, representing a significant observation point to understand the contemporary movements in their development. In particular, it deals with the processes of inclusion, discrimination and exclusion starting from the role of educational and care services, with particular attention to family forms that manifest configurations, values, behaviours and subjectivities interpreted as "minority", first of all those of the so-called sexual minorities.

The activities of the laboratory consist of research, consultancy, planning, documentation and publishing, also in collaboration with other subjects and institutions, both public and private.
In particular:
Research activities on the topics of the laboratory
Dissemination of its work through scientific publications
Development of actions in public services and the third sector
Organisation of conferences and thematic workshops aimed at an academic audience
Organisation of information and training events
Organisation of dissemination events for the general public
Definition of operational tools and techniques to promote inclusion in services
Definition of co-designed training modules and tools
Advisory activities to local actors
Development of partnerships for participatory research and with organisations, social partners, companies and institutions
Development of national and international networks of researchers and practitioners for the development of research and action projects.
The activities of the workshop are mainly, but not exclusively, addressed to services working with families in the field of educational, health, social, legal, mediation and information work.
Structured and temporary academic staff, students, non-academic scholars and professionals can participate in the lab if they apply and are unanimously accepted by the team.
Through special agreements, the laboratory can network with other laboratories, centres, research groups, third parties, nationally and internationally.
A detailed list of the team and existing collaborations will be published soon.
Federica De Cordova
Chiara Sita'

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