Adolescenza: bisogni e servizi educativi. |
Paola Dusi
Studi e ricerche sono volti ad indagare le nuove forme assunte dall'adolescenza nel contesto contemporaneo contrassegnato dall'affermarsi della famiglia affettiva.Particolare attenzione è rivolta ai bisogni educativi degli adolescenti e alle relazioni tra questi ultimi, genitori, istituzione scolastica e servizi educativi sul territorio.
Global active citizenship and partecipation |
Antonietta De Vita
The global changes we are experiencing alter the meanings and practices of citizenship and participation, requiring spaces of thought to formulate new hypotheses for active participation, cohabitation and visions of the future. The crisis of politics and citizenship in the West shows the end of the traditional democratic forms and the emergence of elements for new configurations. My interest has focused on new citizenship practices starting from the urban contexts in an ecological and ecofeminist perspective. |
Intercultural Competence |
Cristina Balloi
Marta Milani
Agostino Portera
Analysis of intercultural educational practices and methodologies. Analysis of the concept of intercultural competence in the fields of education, intercultural mediation, business, social work and healthcare. |
Cooperative Learning |
Marta Milani
Study of cooperative learning as a learning method-methodology through social mediation for the promotion of educational contexts of well-being and fully inclusive. |
Comparative and International Education |
Marcella Milana
Examination of sources, workings, and outcomes of education systems, as well as leading education issues, from comprehensive, multidisciplinary, cross-national, and cross-cultural perspectives. |
Gender education |
Antonietta De Vita
Education, teaching and formation are fields strongly marked by the female presence, but the language, the symbolic, the knowledge, the organisational and managerial structures seem to reflect still neuter-masculine paradigms. These are based on hierarchizing dualisms embodied in degrees of power (nature/culture, public/private, production/reproduction, rational/emotional, object/subject, normal/abnormal). Urgent becomes to assume a posture of thought and action that takes into account the fact that the world is one but inhabited by women and men, with the variety of their unique human experiences and sexual orientation, and with expectations, desires, capabilities and educational needs that cannot be homologated.
Phenomenology of recognition |
Paola Dusi
the phenomenology of recognition, insofar as it is adopted as a fundamental relational and socio-political modality of democratic and egalitarian societies, and as a prerequisite for the emergence of processes of education within the family and at school. |
Intercultural Mediation and Counseling |
Marta Milani
Agostino Portera
Analysis and study of (inter)cultural mediation and intercultural counseling to know how to move between different cultural frames (recognizing clues of contextualization and to act effectively within a specific cultural frame) both - and above all - to know how to interact effectively in the relationship with culturally different people. |
Pedagogy of work-related learning |
Antonietta De Vita
The pedagogy of work-related learning considers the nature of contemporary work and employment in terms of training and education, and its implications for the individuals and organisations involved. The transformations we have witnessed in forms of work and the learning processes associated with them can be studied from both a theoretical and an empirical perspective. In my research I am particularly interest in the learning landscape that has emerged in the context of work in “different”, and solidarity- and social justice-based economies, movements that attest to a period of transition from growth-centred economic and production models to more sustainable approaches that are in greater harmony with the living world. |
Education Policy |
Marcella Milana
Examination of statements, and of the underlying decision-making processes, aimed at promoting the change of education and training systems, in order to achieve desired solutions in response to perceived social problems. |
Qualitative Research in education (particularly focused on school and families) |
Alessia Maria Aurora Bevilacqua
Paola Dusi
Qualitative research in education refers to a wide range of studies focusing their attentions on the educational contexts through the use of qualitative methods that allow to describe phenomena from the point of view of the subjects involved in them. My research activities are aimed at investigating educational contexts and issues, in particular in the following fields: ethical education, practices of engaged pedagogy, education and care in educational contexts. |
Parent support |
Chiara Sita'
The research area concerns the actions aimed at supporting parents, put into act by professionals at school and in educational settings. These actions (information, counseling, parent training, group discussion) design contexts where parental identities and roles are negotiated in relation to specific cultural models of family, parenting and gender.
History of education in 20th century Italy |
Daria Lucia Gabusi
Identify the archives (public and private) and study the available sources, combining the ministerial prescriptions with the school experience, in the perspective of a political, cultural and social history of the Italian school in the 20th century; Analyse the junctures of school historiography (the twenty years of Fascism the transition from fascism to democracy; the season of reformism in the decades 1958-1978); Deepen the role of the ministerial leadership (Luigi Gui; Carlo Alberto Biggini; Aldo Moro) in the processes of change and reform, in relation to the cultural background and the political, cultural and pedagogical debates
History of education in the Italian 20th century |
Daria Lucia Gabusi
Identify the archives (public and private) and study the available sources, in the perspective of a political, cultural and social history of education in the 20th century; Dialogue with political, scholastic, religious and gender historiography; Cross-reference biographies of teachers and educators (Laura Bianchini; Lina Tridenti; Emiliano Rinaldini; Lino Monchieri) with the themes of political education, civil education, religious education and with the history of publishing (Editrice La Scuola; Editrice Morcelliana); Investigating the political (ministerial and governmental indications) and cultural (school texts; magazines for childhood and adolescence) paths that triggered processes of education to racism and nationalism (in Fascism); to peace, solidarity and democracy (in the Resistance period and the first decades of the Republic). |
Theory of ethical education |
Marco Ubbiali
To deep and develop Socrates-Plato and Aristotle's ethical position, in the light of the philosophy of care and in dialogue with the position of Paul Ricouer, in order to found a pedagogical vision that can orientate educative paths and empirical researches. |
Special aspects of education
Decolonial intercultural approach |
Cristina Balloi
Rosanna Cima
The Latin American decolonial pedagogy, the pedagogical-political instances coming from sub-Saharan Africa and the feminine thought of difference are points of reference for investigating the theoretical constructs and the categories used in reading the encounter with the other. The survey with this approach allows to highlight the positioning of the gaze and to rethink the educational and social work |
Adult Education |
Marcella Milana
Study of learning practices and processes that (intentionally) address adults, regardless of where they take place. |
Inclusive Education |
Angelo Lascioli
Development of curricula and learning methodologies addressed to students and adults with intellectual disabilities; Analysis of job contexts for the acquisition of employment skills and enhance inclusion of people with disabilities; Use of Assistive Technologies for supporting educational and training processes for addressed to persons with intellectual disabilities aimed to transfer independent living skills. |
Participated research |
Rosanna Cima
In the pedagogical sciences, engaged in educational and social work, participatory research involves researchers, professionals and beneficiaries of services. The construction of scientific knowledge comes from a pooling of the different interpretations (participatory hermeneutics) of personal and group experience (phenomenological appr |
Assistive Technology |
Angelo Lascioli
Ivan Traina
Analysis of technologies for promoting learning and the development of autonomy addressed to students with intellectual disabilities within educational environments. Analysis of technological solutions to support the acquisition of independent living and employment skills for young adults with disabilities. |
Theory and practice of education
Methodology of qualitative research |
Federica Valbusa
To use qualitative methods to collect and analyze data in researches that are inspired by the ecological paradigm and the naturalistic epistemology. This skill concerns in particular way the application of phenomenological method and grounded theory in educational researches. |
Transition programs |
Angelo Lascioli
Ivan Traina
Analysis of transition programs (school to work) addressed to young adults with intellectual disabilities. Elaboration of curricula and personalized internships for supporting employment experiences. Use of educational platforms and assistive technologies for acquiring job-related skills. |
Qualitative research in education |
Rosi Bombieri
Marco Ubbiali
Develop a theory and tools for the practice of qualitative research in educational contexts. The competency makes particular reference to the theorization of research that responds to the pedagogical specificity of action and respects ethical characteristics that make it an opportunity for educational enrichment for participants. The methods developed are inspired by the naturalistic paradigm, naturalistic epistemology and phenomenological philosophy. |
Recognize educational fragility, to then intervene at school |
Claudio Girelli
School fragility is a relevant problem for the school. The causes and the manifestations are many, but they ask to be recognized and faced at various levels to avoid school and educational failure, as well as early school leaving. In this context, research action is necessarily linked with the training of those teachers involved in the research processes, to promote educational and teaching inclusive actions. (Department research line: Teacher training).
Theory of emotional education |
Federica Valbusa
To deep and develop the Scheler’s phenomenology of emotional life and the Nussbaum’s neo-Stoic theory of emotions in order to found a theory of emotional education able to orient educative paths and empirical researches about the practice of emotional self-understanding. |
Teorie e pratiche di educazione socio-emotiva |
Rosi Bombieri
Analizzare e approfondire le pratiche educative e didattiche relative al costrutto del Social and Emotional Learning e i relativi fondamenti teorici nel contesto della letteratura scientifica internazionale, al fine di sviluppare progetti formativi scientificamente fondati, indirizzati agli studenti e ai docenti. |
The object of the research will concern the conceptual and lexical structures of the debate about migrations. The aim of the research is to elaborate models of cohabitation already in progress and to show how the presence of subjects from other cultures restructures the idea of living, the very form of the cities and constitutes a true "invention of the everyday life". |
Gianluca Solla
Philosophy and psychoanalysis |
Chiara Zamboni
It is a field that allows for the investigation of the unconscious side of experience, along with the unconscious dimension of the relationship between women, as well as between women and men. The field of research expands into the insistence of the unconscious into language and perception. |
Philosophy and psychoanalysis |
Chiara Zamboni
It is a field that allows for the investigation of the unconscious side of experience, along with the unconscious dimension of the relationship between women, as well as between women and men. The field of research expands into the insistence of the unconscious into language and perception. |
Thought of sexual difference |
Chiara Zamboni
Description: It is a field that has developed, and continues to do so, in reading groups with other women, both with selected texts from the female cultural and philosophical tradition, and with texts by men who have addressed this theme. It is an evolving field, which becomes collective through the subjective and historical experience. It offers a fundamental key to interpreting shared reality.
Area of research: Philosophy-Metaphysics and Ontology |
Social and political philosophy
The right to have rights |
Ilaria Possenti
This research field investigates the Arendtian reflection on the "right to have rights" as a relevant contribution to philosophical and political reflection on contemporary migrations. |
Politics, economics and society |
Ilaria Possenti
Starting from a critical reading of the arendtian opposition between the socio-economic and political sphere, the research deals with a theoretical position, aiming to rethink "political freedom” in the perspective of the "social question" (labor, needs, poverty) . |
Politics and Vulnerability |
Olivia Guaraldo
Rethinking political subjectivity in the light of the perspective of vulnerability and care. The background is the thought of sexual difference and feminist political and legal theories. |
Political Theory and Public Happiness |
Olivia Guaraldo
The political concepts of modernity and their transformations are analyzed with specific reference to the Arendtian concept of 'Public Happiness' with the aim of redefining political freedom and participation. |
Queer Theories |
Lorenzo Bernini
Queer Theories are a branch of contemporary critical theory that questions power relations from the point of view of sexual minorities. |
Psychology, Multidisciplinary
dealing with LGBT issues in help professions
Federica De Cordova
Identity and parental rules in same-sex families; same-sex families experience in relationship with educational and psychosocial services. |
cultural approach in clinical and psychosocial care |
Federica De Cordova
Developing cultural sensitive skills with multicultural clients; psychosocial intervention in multicultural contexts. |
Corpo e cognizione |
Michele Scandola
le relazioni tra corpo e attività cognitive con i risvolti psicologici, filosofici, antropologici e pedagogici |
Measuring individual and collective well-being |
Anna Maria Meneghini
Neuropsicologia |
Michele Scandola
Sintomi e disturbi delle funzioni cognitive, affettive ed emozionali associate a lesione neurologica |
Consumption |
Domenico Secondulfo
Sandro Stanzani
Luigi Tronca
Debora Viviani
Study of consumption and purchase behavior of individuals and networks. |
Social policies |
Sergio Cecchi
Paola Di Nicola
Sandro Stanzani
Specific objects of study and research: impact of welfare reforms on the demand for services for the population; reforms of welfare systems and regionalization of welfare models in Italy; third sector and community care: potential and limits; relations between the formal and informal system of care services, critical analysis of the policies of reconciliation between work of care and work for the market. |
Servizio sociale |
Roberto Dalla Chiara
Carlo Soregotti
Ricerca di, in e per il servizio sociale |
Social Theory |
Luca Mori
Research on the analytical frameworks and paradigms used to interpret social phenomena
Social capital |
Luigi Tronca
Theoretical and empirical analysis of the concept of social capital, particularly starting from a relational and structural interactionist approach. |
Social capital and network analysis |
Paola Di Nicola
Specific objects of study and research: changes in membership networks at individual and community level. The help relationships activated in primary social networks (family, kinship, friendship, neighborhood) and secondary (associations). Study of changes in the forms and contents of support networks with the help of network analisys techniques. Study of primary and secondary social capital with the aid of network analysis techniques. Forms of social capital and relations of eu- or dis-functionality with respect to welfare policies |
Social Work |
Sergio Cecchi
Study of the methodology of the social service. Study and research on methodological aspects and their applications in professional practice. |
Sociology of imaginary |
Luca Mori
the study of social imaginary in its phenomenology and its deep structures |
Third Sector |
Sandro Stanzani
Areas of theoretical and empirical research on this topic: sociological analysis of identity and role of the third sector in complex societies; empirical investigations on the size of the third sector in Italy; empirical investigations on motivations and culture of members of third sector organizations; theoretical and empirical analysis of the correlation between third sector membership and social capital. |
Sociology and anthropology
Anti-Gypsyism /Antinomadism |
Stefania Pontrandolfo
Research on different forms of hostility towards groups labelled as ‘Gypsies’ or other ‘nomadic’ or mobile peoples |
Applied Anthropology |
Stefania Pontrandolfo
Experiments for a social and change-oriented use of anthropological knowledge and practices in the public sphere |
Anthropology of Romani Groups |
Stefania Pontrandolfo
Research on socio-cultural constructions and historical dynamics in Roma and Sinti populations |
Anthropology of migration |
Stefania Pontrandolfo
Study of the multiple and numerous modern migratory processes |
Anthropology of religion |
Fabio Vicini
Study of Muslim religious life and practice in comparison with that of other faiths, especially Christianity |
Anthropology of Education |
Stefania Pontrandolfo
Ethnographic research with an anthropological approach in different formal and informal educational contexts |
Anthropology of migration |
Fabio Vicini
Research on the so-called second generations of young people whose parents come from a migratory path |
Anthropology of Islam and Muslim Worlds |
Fabio Vicini
Research on Muslim life, religious imaginaries and practices in Turkey, Europe and the Middle East |
Anthropology of development |
Stefania Pontrandolfo
Research on ‘development’ as a particular form of social change |
Anthropology of secularism |
Fabio Vicini
Study of the secular logic that pervades the institutional order in Italy and Europe and how this impacts the life of religious minorities |
Epistemology of anthropological research |
Fabio Vicini
Critical reflection on the genealogy of anthropological categories and their possible implementation through thought categories of other traditions |
Epistemology and Hermeneutics of Ethnographic Research |
Stefania Pontrandolfo
Critical reflection on how anthropological knowledge is constructed through an eclectic research method such as ethnography |
Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa sul fare comunità |
Maria Livia Alga
Studio della metodologia di ricerca sul campo secondo un approccio post-esotico e femminista. Analisi riflessiva delle pratiche di auto/formazione e scrittura che nascono da esperienze di ricerca partecipata con professionisti della cura (insegnanti, assistenti sociali; educatori; infermiere), all'interno di movimenti sociali e comunità resistenti. |
Experimental Ethnography |
Stefania Pontrandolfo
Experiments in anthropological fieldwork (action research; applied research; participatory research; collaborative research; etc.). |
Islamophobia |
Fabio Vicini
Research on the multiple forms of stereotyping, discrimination, and hostility towards Islam as a religion and Muslims as believers |
Movimenti sociali |
Maria Livia Alga
Ricerca azione su processi di conoscenza orientati alla creazione e condivisione di saperi radicati nei corpi,coscientemente parziali e contestuali, in potere di costruire mondi non organizzati secondo assi di dominio. Una particolare attenzione è indirizzata alle forme di resistenza e auto-organizzazione comunitaria in contesti diasporici. |