Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary School Education in Padua (interuniversity)(head campus: Verona)

Course modules

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Prima parte del primo semestre from 9/24/18 to 10/27/18
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Didactics for inclusion Angelo Lascioli (Coordinator)
B Foundations and Teaching of Physics Giacomo Bozzo (Coordinator)
B Media Arts Education Roberto Gris (Coordinator)
F English Language IV Paola Vettorel (Coordinator)
B Psychology of disabilities and integration Laura Fontecedro (Coordinator)
A Educational Research, Innovation and cooperative actions Federica Valbusa (Coordinator)
B Ancient and Medieval History and Didactics of History Luisa Prandi (Coordinator)

Prima parte del primo semestre from 10/29/18 to 11/10/18
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Didactics for inclusion Angelo Lascioli (Coordinator)
B Foundations and Teaching of Physics Giacomo Bozzo (Coordinator)
F English Language IV Paola Vettorel (Coordinator)
B Psychology of disabilities and integration Laura Fontecedro (Coordinator)

Seconda parte del primo semestre from 11/19/18 to 12/21/18
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Didactics for inclusion Angelo Lascioli (Coordinator)
B Foundations and Teaching of Physics Giacomo Bozzo (Coordinator)
A Models and tools for assessment Claudio Girelli (Coordinator)
B Media Arts Education Roberto Gris (Coordinator)
B Psychology of disabilities and integration Laura Fontecedro (Coordinator)
A Educational Research, Innovation and cooperative actions Federica Valbusa (Coordinator)
A Ethics in the teaching profession and pedagogy of families Paola Dusi (Coordinator)
B Ancient and Medieval History and Didactics of History Luisa Prandi (Coordinator)

Seconda parte del primo semestre from 1/7/19 to 1/19/19
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Didactics for inclusion Angelo Lascioli (Coordinator)
B Foundations and Teaching of Physics Giacomo Bozzo (Coordinator)
B Media Arts Education Roberto Gris (Coordinator)
B Psychology of disabilities and integration Laura Fontecedro (Coordinator)
A Educational Research, Innovation and cooperative actions Federica Valbusa (Coordinator)

Prima parte del secondo semestre from 2/18/19 to 3/23/19
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A/B Teaching of reading and writing and Italian L2 Claudio Girelli (Coordinator)
B Mathematics for basic formation 2 Andrea Albiero (Coordinator)
A Sociology of Education Debora Viviani (Coordinator)
B Fundamentals of chemistry and environment education Mariapina D'Onofrio (Coordinator)
B Foundations of Logic and Scientific Discourse Massimiliano Badino (Coordinator)
B Basis and Teaching of Geography Emanuela Gamberoni (Coordinator)
A Ethics in the teaching profession and pedagogy of families Paola Dusi (Coordinator)
B Laboratory Giancarlo Tassinari (Coordinator)
B Child Neurology and Psychiatry and Developmental Psychopathology Alessandro Simonati (Coordinator)

Prima parte del secondo semestre from 3/25/19 to 4/6/19
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A/B Teaching of reading and writing and Italian L2 Claudio Girelli (Coordinator)
B Mathematics for basic formation 2 Andrea Albiero (Coordinator)
B Laboratory Giancarlo Tassinari (Coordinator)

Seconda parte secondo semestre from 4/8/19 to 5/18/19
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A/B Teaching of reading and writing and Italian L2 Claudio Girelli (Coordinator)
B Mathematics for basic formation 2 Andrea Albiero (Coordinator)
A Sociology of Education Debora Viviani (Coordinator)
B Fundamentals of chemistry and environment education Mariapina D'Onofrio (Coordinator)
B Foundations of Logic and Scientific Discourse Massimiliano Badino (Coordinator)
B Basis and Teaching of Geography Emanuela Gamberoni (Coordinator)
B Child Neurology and Psychiatry and Developmental Psychopathology Alessandro Simonati (Coordinator)

Seconda parte del secondo semestre from 5/20/19 to 6/1/19
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A/B Teaching of reading and writing and Italian L2 Claudio Girelli (Coordinator)
B Mathematics for basic formation 2 Andrea Albiero (Coordinator)
B Basis and Teaching of Geography Emanuela Gamberoni (Coordinator)

Further didactic activities
