Advanced/Professional Development course in Promoting reading and literature at primary and middle school: creating motivated, critical readers (entry level)

Course modules

Course not running

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List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
- Albi e libri illustrati per tutte le eta' not yet allocated
- Analizzare,capire,leggere l'albo illustrato di qualita' not yet allocated
- Autori e romanzi “classici” per ragazzi not yet allocated
- Children's Literature and Education not yet allocated
- La poesia d’autore per ragazzi not yet allocated
- Narrativa contemporanea per ragazzi e adolescenti not yet allocated
- Nei territori della fiaba not yet allocated
- Percorso di lettura not yet allocated
- Project Work not yet allocated
- Final exam not yet allocated
- Workshop di lettura e rilettura a voce alta espressivo-letteraria(i parte e ii) not yet allocated

Further didactic activities
