Specialized Degree in Philosophy

Course modules

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Primo semestre from 9/29/08 to 1/17/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
4° 5° C Communication law (i) Andrea Fantin
4° 5° A Philosophical hermeneutics (s) Chiara Zamboni
4° 5° A Moral philosophy A (s) Riccardo Panattoni
4° 5° A Political philosophy (s) Adriana Cavarero
4° 5° A Theoretical philosophy A (s) Antonio Moretto
4° 5° A Theoretical philosophy B (s) Mario Lombardo
4° 5° C German Literature (i9 Carmen Flaim
4° 5° A History of contemporary philosophy (s) Wanda Tommasi
4° 5° S History of science (i) Luca Ciancio
4° 5° S History of religions (s) Pier Angelo Carozzi

Secondo semestre from 2/23/09 to 5/30/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
4° 5° C Political Economics (i) Paola Dongili
4° 5° B Aesthetics (s) Paolo Gambazzi
4° 5° A Philosophy of language (s) 6 Pierdaniele Giaretta
4° 5° A Theoretical philosophy A (s) Antonio Moretto
4° 5° S History of concepts (s) Riccardo Pozzo
4° 5° A Logic (s) Pierdaniele Giaretta
4° 5° A History of ancient philosophy (s) Linda Napolitano
4° 5° S History of Philosophy A (s) Riccardo Pozzo
4° 5° A History of philosophy of the Renaissance (s) Francesca Lazzarin
4° 5° A History of medieval philosophy (s) Italo Sciuto
4° 5° S The History of science (p) Luca Ciancio

Teachings borrowed from the Faculty of Lingue e letterature straniere
II semestre from 3/2/09 to 5/30/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
4° 5° C French Literature (i) not yet allocated
4° 5° C English Literature (i) Yvonne Bezrucka
4° 5° C Spanish literature (i) Antonella Gallo
4° 5° C Spanish literature (p) Antonella Gallo

Further didactic activities
