Specialized Degree in Educational Science

Course modules

Course not running

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modulo A del primo semestre from 10/1/08 to 11/16/08
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C Specialistic english not yet allocated

Primo modulo del primo semestre from 10/1/08 to 11/16/08
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C French Literature Mario Dal Corso
F Pedagogical Research Laboratory Luigina Mortari
B Group Psychology Monica Pedrazza
B Psychology of Art and Creative Processes Ugo Savardi

Secondo modulo del primo semestre from 11/17/08 to 1/18/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Spazio Moodle non più disponibile Computing II Andrea Giachetti
B Pedagogy and Sexual Difference Antonietta De Vita
A General Pedagogy (s) Agostino Portera
C History of Historiography Gian Paolo Romagnani
B Sociology of Symbolic Systems Paola Di Nicola

Primo modulo del secondo semestre from 2/23/09 to 4/9/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A Social Ethics Italo Sciuto
A Education Philosophy (s) Daniela Silvestri
C Methods of historical research Paolo Golinelli
A Dynamic Psychology Anna Maria Meneghini
A History of Family Education Emilio Butturini
B Education, Culture and Personality Gabriel Maria Sala
B Epistemology of Pedagogical Research Luigina Mortari
B Theoretical Philosophy II Paolo Giuspoli
B Theories and Methods of Educational and Didactic Design Luigina Passuello

Secondo modulo del secondo semestre from 4/15/09 to 6/1/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Methodology of anthropological research Leonardo Piasere
B Methods and techniques in Social Sciences Mauro Niero
B Special Pedagogy (s) Francesco Larocca
C Principles and Methods of Geographical Research Emanuela Gamberoni
A History of Contemporary Philosophy Mario Longo
A Observing child behavior: Theories and techniques Manuela Lavelli
B Education, Culture and Personality Gabriel Maria Sala

Further didactic activities
