Bachelor's degree in Organisational Training


Course modules

Course not running

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modulo A del primo semestre from 10/1/08 to 11/16/08
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
E French Mario Dal Corso (Coordinator)
E English Maria Ivana Lorenzetti

Primo modulo del primo semestre from 10/1/08 to 11/16/08
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Psychological research methods Margherita Pasini (Coordinator)
A Social Pedagogy Paola Dusi
A General Psychology [indirizzo L-24] Ugo Savardi
C Sociology of Work Giorgio Gosetti

Modulo B del primo semestre from 11/17/08 to 1/18/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
E French Mario Dal Corso (Coordinator)
E English Maria Ivana Lorenzetti

Secondo modulo del primo semestre from 11/17/08 to 1/18/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Psychological research methods Margherita Pasini (Coordinator)
A Social Pedagogy Paola Dusi
A General Psychology [indirizzo L-24] Ugo Savardi

Primo modulo del secondo semestre from 2/23/09 to 4/9/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Training didactics Alberto Agosti
A General Psychology [indirizzo L-19] Alessandra Galmonte

Secondo modulo del secondo semestre from 4/15/09 to 6/1/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Training didactics Alberto Agosti
A General Psychology [indirizzo L-19] Alessandra Galmonte

Further didactic activities
