Giorgio Erle

Giorgio Erle,  October 4, 2016
Associate Professor
Academic sector
PHIL-03/A - Moral Philosophy
Research sector (ERC-2024)
SH5_9 - Ethics and its applications; social philosophy

SH5_8 - Metaphysics, philosophical anthropology; aesthetics

Research sector (ERC)
SH5_12 - Ethics; social and political philosophy

SH5_11 - Metaphysics, philosophical anthropology; aesthetics

Palazzo di Lettere,  Floor 2,  Room 2.13
+39 045802 8688
giorgio|erle*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

Office Hours

Monday, Hours 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM,   Palazzo di Lettere, Floor 2, room 2.13
Notice: During July 2024, Prof. Giorgio Erle’s reception will take place on Mondays 1, 8, and 15 July at the usual time (from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM) and instead on Monday 22 July from 9:00 to 11:00 AM (and not from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM). Monday, 22 July, will be the last reception before the summer break. Prof. Giorgio Erle's reception will remain suspended until 25 August 2024 inclusive, then resuming on Monday, 26 August 2024, at the usual time (from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM). Please note that Professor Erle's reception will not occur on Mondays, 29 July, 5 August, 12 August, and 19 August 2024.


Giorgio Erle is an associate professor of moral philosophy at the Department of Human Sciences. His research focuses to the link between the theoretical and the practical sphere of philosophical reflection: in this perspective he first analyzed the emergence of issues of ethical relevance in Hegel’s “Philosophy of Nature”. He has been subsequently continuing this research by pointing out the ethical meaning of scientific study and the consequences of all this also on an aesthetic level, particularly on Leibniz's philosophy of music and, more generally, regarding consequences on German Classical Philosophy. Within a “harmonic” understanding of being  he also places his research about the ethical meaning of caring, understood on the one hand as sharing responsibility within the “polis” with special reference to the duty of truthfulness and on the other hand regarding the mind/body problem both from a historical perspective and from the point of view of the Philosophy of Medicine, Ethics of Relation and Ethics of Harmony. His most recent research concerns the issue of a German Idealism heritage in contemporary ethical thinking, with particular reference to authors such as Hans Jonas and Karl-Otto Apel.



Modules running in the period selected: 47.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Master's degree in Philosophy Ethics of Relation (2024/2025)   6  eLearning (Esercitazione)
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy (2024/2025)   12  eLearning 12 
Master's degree in Philosophy Ethics of Relation (2023/2024)   6  eLearning (Lezione)
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy (2023/2024)   12  eLearning 12 
PhD programme in Human Sciences Devising a research project (2023/2024)   4   
Master's degree in Philosophy Ethics of Relation (2022/2023)   6  eLearning (Esercitazione)
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy (2022/2023)   12  eLearning 12 
Master's degree in Philosophy Ethics of Relation (2021/2022)   6  eLearning (Esercitazione)
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy (2021/2022)   12  eLearning 12 
Master's degree in Philosophy Ethics of Relation (2020/2021)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy (2020/2021)   12  eLearning 12 
Master's degree in Philosophy Ethics of Relation (2019/2020)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy B (p) (2019/2020)   12    12 
Master's degree in Philosophy Ethics of Relation (2018/2019)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy B (p) (2018/2019)   12    12 
Master's degree in Philosophy Ethics of Relation (M) (2017/2018)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy B (p) (2017/2018)   12    12 
Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology Philosophy of Science (2017/2018)   6   
Master's degree in Philosophy Ethics of Relation (M) (2016/2017)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy B (p) (2016/2017)   12    12 
Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology Philosophy of Science (2016/2017)   6   
Master's degree in Philosophy Ethics of Relation (M) (2015/2016)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy B (p) (2015/2016)   12    12 
Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology Philosophy of Science (2015/2016)   6   
Master's degree in Philosophy Ethics of Relation (M) (2014/2015)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy B (p) (2014/2015)   12    12 
Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies Philosophy and deontology of communication (2014/2015)   12    ETICA E DEONTOLOGIA DELLA COMUNICAZIONE (P) II MODULO
Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology Philosophy of Science (2014/2015)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy B (p) (2013/2014)   12    12 
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy B (p) (2012/2013)   12    12 
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy B (p) (2011/2012)   12    12 
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy B (p) (2010/2011)   12    12 
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Foundations of Philosophy (i) (2009/2010)   6   
Master's degree in Philosophy Theoretical Philosophy A (m) (2009/2010)   12    II MODULO PARTE (P)
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Foundations of Philosophy (i) (2008/2009)   6   
Degree in Philosophy Foundations of Philosophy (i) (2007/2008)   6   
Degree in Philosophy Foundations of Philosophy (i) (2006/2007)   6   
Degree in Philosophy Foundations of Philosophy (i) (2005/2006)   6   
Degree in Philosophy Foundations of Philosophy (i) (2004/2005)   6     
Degree in Arts and HUmanities Moral Philosophy B (i) (2003/2004)   6     
Degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy B (p) (2003/2004)   3     
Degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy A (i) (2002/2003)   6     
Degree in Philosophy Moral Philosophy A (p) (2002/2003)   3     

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Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
Ethics of Harmony This research field refers to the reflections that – both in the historical and in the contemporary context – have attempted to define the relational and ethical meaning of Harmony, both in a wide cosmological perspective as “universal Harmony” and, more specifically, in an ethical understanding of musical harmony. Theories and practices of care
Ethics and Philosophy of Nature This research focuses on the relationship between Ethics and Nature, in terms of both an Ethics of relationship and a contemporary philosophical understanding of responsibility. Theories and practices of care
Moral Thought by German Modern Philosophers This research field concerns the rational foundation of Ethics and reflection on moral action within moral thought by German Modern Philosophers, particularly referring to Leibniz, Kant, Hegel and also to more recent philosophical positions that refer to that tradition. Roots and contemporary cultures
Title Starting date
Collective Responsibility towards Nature and Future Generations 11/1/22
After Idealism. Moral agency, responsibility, communication and community 12/1/19
La riflessione morale di fronte al mind/body problem. Problemi storici e prospettive teoriche (2010-11) 2/1/13
L’agire di fronte alla necessità assoluta e alla necessità morale. Una ricerca a partire dalla Teodicea di Leibniz 1/1/10
Il problema della valenza “ethica” del cosmo (2005) 1/1/05
La considerazione filosofica delle scienze e della conoscenza. Modelli storici, prospettive attuali, il problema del rigore. (continuazione, anno 2004) 1/1/04
La considerazione filosofica delle scienze e della conoscenza. Modelli storici, prospettive attuali, il problema del rigore. 1/1/04
Valenze etiche dell’estetica nella filosofia classica tedesca (continuazione, anno 2003) 1/1/03
Valenze etiche dell’estetica nella filosofia classica tedesca 1/1/03


Department facilities
