Michele Scandola is a researcher of psychobiology and physiological psychology at the Department of Human Sciences. His research activities were focused on cross-modal visuo-haptic perception in virtual enviroment via psychophysics techniques and robotic tools, leargning processes in VR, body image and validation of questionnaires.
During his 3-years-long Ph.D. (at the University “La Sapienza” OF Rome, final mark: with honors) his research interests were focused on body and space representation in spinal cord injured people.
In that period He could improve his methodologic and statistic knowledge, in particular linear mized models and Bayesian statistics, VR enviroment and electrophysiological recordings.
Nowaday He is collaborting with some European research groups, several spinal cord units and rehabilitation wards.
Modules running in the period selected: 38.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.
Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:
Topic | Description | Research area |
Bayesian statistics in cognitive sciences | The application of bayesian models in cognitive sciences |
Research methods in the Human Sciences
Psychology, Mathematical |
Corpo e cognizione | le relazioni tra corpo e attività cognitive con i risvolti psicologici, filosofici, antropologici e pedagogici |
Inclusive societies and citizenship practices
Psychology, Multidisciplinary |
Psychometrics and data analysis; Methods in psychological research | Psychometrics and data analysis; Methods in psychological research |
Research methods in the Human Sciences
Psychology, Experimental |
Neuropsicologia | Sintomi e disturbi delle funzioni cognitive, affettive ed emozionali associate a lesione neurologica |
Inclusive societies and citizenship practices
Psychology, Multidisciplinary |
cognitive neurosciences | Embodied cognition theory: Psychophisic, neuropsychological and physiological analyses of effects of sensory-motor disorders in cognition |
Roots and contemporary cultures
Psychology, Experimental |
Office | Collegial Body |
member | Collegio Didattico di Psicologia per la Formazione - Department Human Sciences |
member | Council for the Degree Course for Professional Educators - Department Human Sciences |
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento Le neuroimmagini al servizio della neuropsicologia e della riabilitazione | |
Componente scientifico | Comitato tecnico scientifico Videoteca Pietro Roveda - Department Human Sciences |
member | Commissione AQ Laurea in Scienze psicologiche per la formazione - L24 - Collegio Didattico di Psicologia per la Formazione - Department Human Sciences |
member | FUR Committee - Department Human Sciences |
associate prof. | Consiglio del Dipartimento di Scienze Umane - Department Human Sciences |
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