Luigina Mortari

foto,  February 6, 2017
Full Professor
Academic sector
PAED-01/A - General and Social Pedagogy
Research sector (ERC-2024)
SH3_9 - Social aspects of teaching and learning, curriculum studies, education and educational policies

Research sector (ERC)
SH4_14 - Teaching and learning

Palazzo Zorzi-Polfranceschi,  Floor 3,  Room 2.11
045 802 8652
luigina|mortari*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

Luigina Mortati is a full professor of pedagogy, theories of education and social education at the Department of Human Sciences. The research activity is developed in two related fields: philosophy and pedagogy, and following two directions: theoretical and applied.

The theorization of a philosophy of care applied to the educative field (education as care) and healthcare (education to care).

The theorization of a virtue ethics theory following the paradigm of care, through the pedagogical application in the MelArete project.

Th development of an epistemology of qualitative research mixing two different methods (phenomenological, hermeneutical and grounded) in order to fit complex situation


Modules running in the period selected: 107.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Master's degree in Health Professions of Technical Sciences Design and management of training processes (2024/2025)   8    METODOLOGIE DIDATTICHE E TUTORIALI NEI CORSI DI LAUREA A INDIRIZZO SANITARIO
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Environment, education and emotional life (2024/2025)   9  eLearning TEORIE E PRATICHE DELLA PEDAGOGIA ECOLOGICA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education Hermeneutics of Educational Practices (2024/2025)   5    [Gruppo 2] (Laboratorio)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education Intercultural Education and Theories of dialogue and integration (2024/2025)   9  eLearning TEORIE DEL DIALOGO E DELL'INTEGRAZIONE (Lezione)
Master's degree in Philosophy Philosophy of care (2024/2025)   6   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education Philosophy of Education and Educational Research (2024/2025)   8    FILOSOFIA DELLA SCUOLA
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Research methodology applied to health settings (2024/2025)   8    EPISTEMOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery (interuniversity) Scienze umane in medicina (2024/2025)   13    MEDICAL HUMANITIES
Master's degree in Health Professions of Technical Sciences Design and management of training processes (2023/2024)   8  eLearning METODOLOGIE DIDATTICHE E TUTORIALI NEI CORSI DI LAUREA A INDIRIZZO SANITARIO
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Environment, education and emotional life (2023/2024)   9  eLearning TEORIE E PRATICHE DELLA PEDAGOGIA ECOLOGICA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education Hermeneutics of Educational Practices (2023/2024)   5  eLearning (Lezione)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education Philosophy of Education and Educational Research (2023/2024)   8  eLearning FILOSOFIA DELLA SCUOLA
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Research methodology applied to health settings (2023/2024)   8  eLearning EPISTEMOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Environment, education and emotional life (2022/2023)   9  eLearning TEORIE E PRATICHE DELLA PEDAGOGIA ECOLOGICA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education Hermeneutics of Educational Practices (2022/2023)   5  eLearning (Lezione)
Master's degree in Philosophy Philosophy of Education (2022/2023)   6  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education Philosophy of Education and Educational Research (2022/2023)   8  eLearning FILOSOFIA DELLA SCUOLA
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Research methodology applied to health settings (2022/2023)   8  eLearning EPISTEMOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery (interuniversity) Scienze umane in medicina (2022/2023)   13    MEDICAL HUMANITIES
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Environment, education and emotional life (2021/2022)   9  eLearning TEORIE E PRATICHE DELLA PEDAGOGIA ECOLOGICA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education Hermeneutics of Educational Practices (2021/2022)   5  eLearning (Lezione)
Master's degree in Philosophy Philosophy of Education (2021/2022)   6  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education Philosophy of Education and Educational Research (2021/2022)   8  eLearning FILOSOFIA DELLA SCUOLA
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Research methodology applied to health settings (2021/2022)   8  eLearning EPISTEMOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Percorso formativo 24CFU School and education theories (2021/2022)   6  eLearning PEDAGOGIA GENERALE
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Phenomenology of care (2020/2021)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Philosophy Philosophy of Education (2020/2021)   6  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education Philosophy of Education and Educational Research (2020/2021)   8  eLearning RICERCA EDUCATIVA (Lezione prof.ssa Mortari)
Master's degree in Rehabilitation Science in Healthcare Professions Research methodology applied to business processes (2020/2021)   10  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Research methodology applied to health settings (2020/2021)   8  eLearning EPISTEMOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Percorso formativo 24CFU School and education theories [Edizione 1] (2020/2021)   6  eLearning PEDAGOGIA GENERALE
Percorso formativo 24CFU School and education theories [Edizione 2] (2020/2021)   6  eLearning PEDAGOGIA GENERALE
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Epistemology of educative research (2019/2020)   9  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary School Education in Padua (interuniversity)(head campus: Verona) Ethics in the teaching profession and pedagogy of families (2019/2020)   8  eLearning ETICA DELLA PROFESSIONE DOCENTE
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Phenomenology of the care and self-ethics (2019/2020)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Philosophy Philosophy of Education (2019/2020)   6  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education Philosophy of Education and Educational Research (2019/2020)   8  eLearning FILOSOFIA DELLA SCUOLA
Master's degree in Rehabilitation Science in Healthcare Professions Research methodology applied to business processes (2019/2020)   8  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Research methodology applied to health settings (2019/2020)   8  eLearning EPISTEMOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Rovereto) Educational, relational and organizational aspects about the field of disability (2018/2019)   6    METODOLOGIA DELL'EDUCAZIONE TERAPEUTICA NELLE RELAZIONI D'AIUTO
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary School Education in Padua (interuniversity)(head campus: Verona) Educational Research, Innovation and cooperative actions (2018/2019)   9  eLearning RICERCA EDUCATIVA
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Epistemology of qualitative research (2018/2019)   9   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary School Education in Padua (interuniversity)(head campus: Verona) Ethics in the teaching profession and pedagogy of families (2018/2019)   8    ETICA DELLA PROFESSIONE DOCENTE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education Philosophy of Education and Educational Research (2018/2019)   8    FILOSOFIA DELLA SCUOLA
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Planning and management of training processes (2018/2019)   8  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Master's degree in Rehabilitation Science in Healthcare Professions Research methodology applied to business processes (2018/2019)   8  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary School Education in Padua (interuniversity)(head campus: Verona) Educational Research, Innovation and cooperative actions (2017/2018)   9  eLearning RICERCA EDUCATIVA
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Epistemology of qualitative research (2017/2018)   9    (Parte 1)
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Planning and management of training processes (2017/2018)   8  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Corso di Perfezionamento e di Aggiornamento professionale in Diventare Dirigenti Scolastici: corso per chi vuole intraprendere la carriera o migliorarne la qualità. Scuola e cittadinanza attiva (2017/2018)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary School Education in Padua (interuniversity)(head campus: Verona) Educational Research, Innovation and cooperative actions (2016/2017)   9  eLearning RICERCA EDUCATIVA
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Epistemology of qualitative research (2016/2017)   9    (Parte I)
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Planning and management of training processes (2016/2017)   8    METODOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary School Education in Padua (interuniversity)(head campus: Verona) Educational Research, Innovation and cooperative actions (2015/2016)   9  eLearning Ricerca educativa
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Epistemology of qualitative research (2015/2016)   9    (Lezioni prof.ssa Mortari)
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Planning and management of training processes (2015/2016)   8    METODOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Master's degree in Rehabilitation Science in Healthcare Professions Educational planning and management of Working Groups (2014/2015)   8    METODOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary School Education in Padua (interuniversity)(head campus: Verona) Educational Research, Innovation and cooperative actions (2014/2015)   9    Laboratorio [Gruppo 1]
Ricerca educativa
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Epistemology of qualitative research (2014/2015)   9   
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Planning and management of training processes (2014/2015)   8    METODOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Epistemology of qualitative research (2013/2014)   9   
Bachelor's degree in Primary School Education in Padua (Verona) Ethics (2013/2014)   8    Filosofia dell'Educazione
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy General Pedagogy (p) (2013/2014)   6   
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Planning and management of training processes (2013/2014)   8    METODOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Epistemology of qualitative research (2012/2013)   9   
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy General Pedagogy (p) (2012/2013)   6   
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Planning and management of training processes (2012/2013)   8    METODOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences Epistemology of qualitative research (2011/2012)   9   
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy General Pedagogy (p) (2011/2012)   6   
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Planning and management of training processes (2011/2012)   8    METODOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Education theories and methods (2010/2011)   9   
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Epistemology of Pedagogical Research (2010/2011)   4   
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Pedagogical Research Laboratory (2010/2011)   4   
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics Planning and management of training processes (2010/2011)   9    METODOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA PEDAGOGICA
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Education theories and methods (2009/2010)   9   
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Educative counseling (2009/2010)   2   
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Epistemology of Pedagogical Research (2009/2010)   4   
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Pedagogical Research Laboratory (2009/2010)   4   
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics Planning and management of training processes (2009/2010)   9    METODOLOGIA DELLA RICERCA PEDAGOGICA
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Epistemology of Pedagogical Research (2008/2009)   4   
Degree in Education Studies (until 2007-2008) General Pedagogy and Methodology of Pedagogical Research [indirizzo per l'educazione dell'infanzia e della preadolescenza] (2008/2009)   8   
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Pedagogical Research Laboratory (2008/2009)   4   
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics Planning and management of training processes (2008/2009)   9    Metodologia della ricerca pedagogica
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Epistemology of Pedagogical Research (2007/2008)   4   
Degree in Education Studies (until 2007-2008) General Pedagogy and Methodology of Pedagogical Research (2007/2008)   8   
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Pedagogical Research Laboratory (2007/2008)   4   
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics Planning and management of training processes (2007/2008)   9    Metodologia della ricerca pedagogica
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Epistemology of Pedagogical Research (2006/2007)   4   
Degree in Education Studies (until 2007-2008) General Pedagogy and Methodology of Pedagogical Research (2006/2007)   8   
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Pedagogical Research Laboratory (2006/2007)   4   
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics Planning and management of training processes (2006/2007)   9    Metodologia della ricerca pedagogica
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Epistemology of Pedagogical Research (2005/2006)   4   
Degree in Education Studies (until 2007-2008) General Pedagogy and Methodology of Pedagogical Research (2005/2006)   8   
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Pedagogical Research Laboratory (2005/2006)   4   
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics Planning and management of training processes (2005/2006)   9    Metodologia della ricerca pedagogica
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Epistemology of Pedagogical Research (2004/2005)   4     
Degree in Education Studies (until 2007-2008) General Pedagogy and Methodology of Pedagogical Research (2004/2005)   8     
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Epistemology of Pedagogical Research (2003/2004)   4     
Degree for Professional Educators General Pedagogy and Methodology of Pedagogical Research (2003/2004)   8     
Specialized Degree in Educational Science Pedagogical Research Laboratory (2003/2004)   4     
Degree for Professional Educators General Pedagogy and Methodology of Pedagogical Research (2002/2003)   8     

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Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.

Research groups

Departmental Interdisciplinary Research - EMOTIONS (ARIdip – EMOTIONS)
The Group focuses on emotions as the subject of theoretico-empirical study in the field of human sciences, highlighting and increasing the possible contributions arising from philosophy, psycho-paedagogy and sociology.
Departmental Interdisciplinary Research-RESEARCH ETHICS (ARIdip - RESEARCH ETHICS)
The Research Ethics Group deals with the role of ethics and politics in the production of scientific knowledge.
MelArete – virtue ethics
The research group “MelArete – virtue ethics” is aimed at designing and conducting educative researches on ethical, spiritual and political education, creating and evaluating educative paths useful for schools (“service research”). The inquiries conducted by the group collect and nurture the richness of children’s thought about great ethical themes (different virtues and the concepts of good, care, friendship, spirituality and politics), working together with teachers and for them, in order to bring these themes at the heart of educational practices.
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
Epistemology of qualitative Inquiry In order to fund an empirical rigorous research in the field of the human sciences, it has been elaborated a qualitative epistemology that has as epistemic core: Bateson’s ecology, naturalistic inquiry, phenomenology and pragmatism. A specific attention is devoted to the elaboration of an “empirical phenomenology” (Ep). It has been developed a specific version for the healthcare environment. Research methods in the Human Sciences
Theory and practice of education
Philosophy of care Developing a philosophy of care is an answer to the intention to give a theoretical expression to a concept that is fundamental for culture, but scarcely defined: this requests a rigorous theorization. This process is based on the analysis of texts of ancient philosophy and of a part of contemporary philosophy. From a methodological point of view this vision of the philosophy of care prefers the phenomenological method. Theories and practices of care
Theory and practice of education
Philosophy of existence The elaboration of a theory of the emotional life and of a theory of the ethics of care represents the architecture for a philosophy of existence able to give form to a theory of education faithful to the ontological essence of human life. Theories and practices of care
Theory and practice of education
Title Starting date
EduForIst 3.0: Education and training in the area of emotional relationships, sexuality, and STI prevention in the school setting: from evidence to practice in Italian regions 12/2/22
MelArete 2. At the School of Friendship and Gratitude 9/1/20
EduForIST project “Development of technical-practical tools for carrying out educational and training activities in the field of sexuality, relationships and prevention of STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) in the school setting” 2/20/20
Transnational Youth Forum on the Right to Education: Building a Brighter future for the Children on the Move 11/1/18
ATLAS#VERONETTA For an integrated supportive community. Network intervention among the University of Verona, LAA-LAVUE ENSA Paris La Villette and Associations 9/1/16
Educational Leadership in the Virtues project 9/1/14
Melarete 9/1/14
The Nous Project 9/1/14
L'affido familiare dal punto di vista dei figli 9/1/13
La valutazione a servizio della crescita professionale e del miglioramento dei servizi. Una ricerca integrata Università – territorio per la costruzione partecipata di modelli innovativi di assessment 10/17/11
L'engagement professionnel des educateurs 9/30/11
Le percezioni di caring degli studenti infermieri: uno studio longitudinale 1/1/11
Affidi temporanei prassi applicativa e tutela del mionore: una comparazione fra Italia, Francia e Romania 1/1/09
Comunità d'insegnanti e pratiche riflessive. Casi di successo nella gestione dei gruppi classe 5/25/08
Didattica dell'italiano e della matematica nell'istruzione e formazione professionale 1/1/08
L'essenza del caring infermieristico: uno studio fenomenologico 1/1/08
Educazione alla progettazione partecipata 9/10/05
filosofare sull'educativo 9/10/05
Educazione alla cittadinanza 6/8/04


Administrative duties
Consulenza Consulenza docenti
Luigina Mortari
Office Collegial Body
Teaching staff council for the doctorate in Education and Training Sciences
Council for the Degree Course in Physiotherapy - Medicine and Surgery
member Council for the Degree course in the Sciences of Nursing and Obstretrics - Medicine and Surgery
member Council for the Degree Course - Medicine and Surgery
member Council for the Philosophy Degree Course - Department Human Sciences
member Collegio Didattico di Scienze della Formazione Primaria - Department Human Sciences
member Council for the Degree Course for Professional Educators - Department Human Sciences
Council for the Degree Course in Nursing - Medicine and Surgery
Comitato Scientifico Corso di Perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale in Scuola dell'Infanzia: il bambino al centro
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di aggiornamento professionale in Management dei sistemi per i servizi sociali e sociosanitari - Department Management
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento e di Aggiornamento professionale in Contrasto al bullismo: il miglioramento del clima e del rendimento scolastico
member Comitato scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale in Educ-Art. Promuovere l’educazione artistica nella scuola dell’infanzia e nella scuola primaria - Department Human Sciences
Comitato scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento e di Aggiornamento Professionale in Formare in / il gruppo - Department Human Sciences
Comitato scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale in Interventi Assistiti con gli Animali (Pet therapy)
Comitato scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale in La valutazione come leva per lo sviluppo degli apprendimenti nei percorsi di "Istruzione Tecnica e Professionale" e di "Istruzione e Formazione Profession - Department Human Sciences
Comitato scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale in La valutazione come leva per lo sviluppo degli apprendimenti nei percorsi di "Istruzione Tecnica e Professionale" e di "Istruzione e Formazione Profession - Department Human Sciences
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento e di Aggiornamento professionale in Operatore esperto del mercato del lavoro e case management
member Comitato scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale in Operatore esperto del mercato del lavoro e tutor unico (Entry level)
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale in Progettare ambienti di apprendimento - Department Human Sciences
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale in Promuovere l’educazione artistica nella scuola dell’infanzia e nella scuola primaria - Department Human Sciences
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale in Ripensare l'orientamento - Department Human Sciences
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento in Direzione e leadership in sanità - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
member Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in Educare alla transizione. Sostenibilità, ambiente e cittadinanza globale
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in La cultura della tutorship quale strumento di sviluppo per le professioni sanitarie (Bolzano) - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento in Leadership e coordinamento in sanità - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
member Comitato Scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento in Management dei sistemi per i servizi sociali e sociosanitari - Department Management
Comitato Scientifico del Master in Clinica filosofica delle istituzioni e delle organizzazioni - Department Human Sciences
Comitato Scientifico del Master in Consulenza formativa nei servizi educativi - Department Human Sciences
Comitato Scientifico del Master in Management dei servizi sociosanitari - Department Management
member Comitato Scientifico del Master in Mediazione familiare - Department Human Sciences
member Comitato Scientifico del Master in Medicina Estetica e Chirurgia Rigenerativa e Antiaging - Department Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences
member Comitato Scientifico del Master in Saperi in transizione. Educazione, sostenibilità e ambiente per una cittadinanza globale - Department Human Sciences
member Comitato Scientifico del Master in Saperi in transizione. Strumenti e pratiche per una cittadinanza ecologica e globale - Department Human Sciences
member Comitato Scientifico del Master Universitario in Educazione Psicomotoria inclusiva per l’infanzia (I livello ) - Department Human Sciences
Comitato Scientifico del Master Universitario in Formazione per lo sviluppo professionale dei docenti - Department Human Sciences
Comitato Scientifico del Master Universitario in Metodologie tutoriali e di coordinamento dell’insegnamento clinico nelle professioni sanitarie e sociali - Medicine and Surgery
Comitato Scientifico Master Knowledge in Transition
full prof. Consiglio del Dipartimento di Scienze Umane - Department Human Sciences


Department facilities
