Giuseppe Fornari

foto,  November 14, 2019
Associate Professor
Academic sector
PHIL-05/A - History of Philosophy
Research sector (ERC-2024)
SH5_1 - Classics, ancient literature

SH8_3 - Cultural studies and theory, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritage

SH8_5 - History of art and of architecture

SH5_10 - History of philosophy

SH8_1 - Kinship; diversity and identities, gender, interethnic relations

SH5_8 - Metaphysics, philosophical anthropology; aesthetics

Research sector (ERC)
SH5_1 - Classics, ancient literature and art

SH5_10 - Cultural heritage, cultural identities and memories

SH5_6 - History of art and architecture

SH5_13 - History of philosophy

SH5_11 - Metaphysics, philosophical anthropology; aesthetics

SH5_9 - Social anthropology, myth, ritual, kinship

Palazzo di Lettere,  Floor T,  Room T03b
045 8028053
giuseppe|fornari*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

Office Hours

Wednesday, Hours 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM,   Palazzo di Lettere, Floor T, room T03b


My research pertains to the History of Philosophy but takes it not as a defined and defining field but as a starting point for comprehending the history of thought in all its many historical expressions and the origin of human thinking as a symbolic activity having to do with the very cultural origin of man. Therefore, my research is transdisciplinary by definition, not in order to gather together heterogenous subject studies, but in order to reach a fuller and more organic view able to raise new interpretive and all-encompassing perspectives. This is the role played in my enquiries by a theoretical reflection on mediation meant as a collective experience necessary to generate human culture and make it effective in its different manifestations along time.  On this theoretical background, the privileged subjects of my enquiries are: the Greek thought, mainly in its archaic and classical phases, and with a particular attention to its relationship with the religious sphere and tragedy; the birth and early development of Judaism and Christianity; the Middle Ages which, starting from the Christian principle of incarnation, make it possible a new historical and cognitive esploration of humanity; Renaissance as a critical and creative age that accomplishes its medieval premises by going beyond their forms in direction of modernity; modern and contemporary philosophy focused on the thinkers who stress the specific meaning of man as a being capable both of knowing and becoming aware of its very origin as a “cognitive” being.


Modules running in the period selected: 23.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Master's degree in Philosophy French Philosophy (2024/2025)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy History of Contemporary Philosophy (2024/2025)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy History of Medieval Philosophy (2024/2025)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities History of Philosophy (2024/2025)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy History of Contemporary Philosophy (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy History of Philosophy 1 (2023/2024)   12  eLearning MODULO II
Master's degree in Philosophy History of Renaissance Philosophy (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Problems and Theories of Philosophy (2023/2024)   9  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy History of Contemporary Philosophy (2022/2023)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy History of Philosophy 1 (2022/2023)   12  eLearning MODULO II
Master's degree in Philosophy History of Renaissance Philosophy (2022/2023)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Problems and Theories of Philosophy (2022/2023)   9  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy History of Philosophy 1 (2021/2022)   12  eLearning MODULO II
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy History of philosophy of the Renaissance (2021/2022)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Philosophy History of Renaissance Philosophy (2021/2022)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Problems and Theories of Philosophy (2021/2022)   9  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy History of Modern Philosophy (2020/2021)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy History of Philosophy 2 (2020/2021)   12  eLearning MODULO II
Master's degree in Philosophy History of Renaissance Philosophy (2020/2021)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Problems and Theories of Philosophy (2020/2021)   9  eLearning
Master's degree in Philosophy History of Renaissance Philosophy (2019/2020)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Problems and Theories of Philosophy (2019/2020)   9  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy The history of modern philosophy (p) (2019/2020)   6  eLearning

Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
History of thought starting from the origins of culture Philosophical thought must be studied in its specific meaning but, besides this, in its nature of cultural phenomenon dating back in its roots to the very origins of mankind. In such a way, philosophy can become an instrument of awareness concerning not only the birth of knowledge and reason but also the existence of man as historical being capable of rational knowledge. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY: GENERAL HISTORY


Department facilities
