The course aims, first, to show how the educational practice needs a theoretical consideration of philosophical nature. Indeed, the educator must not simply be a person skilled in technical, relational and social capabilities; it is of great importance for him to be able to think autonomously and critically, therefore freely and responsibly. The educator is consequently obliged to recognise he must have both a technical and theoretical background in order to be what he really want to be.
Secondly, the course presents some themes that illustrate the cultural background into which we can find every educational action.
In the last analysis, we are called to understand that the role of philosophy is essential both to refine our own methodology and to deep the contents in our educational practice.
The course will deal with the following topics:
- why we have a philosophical approach to education;
- which relation exists between philosophy and education (pedagogy);
- the person is at the heart of education;
- truth, beauty, good, are the contents of every educational deed;
- the essence of “thinking” and its dialogical nature;
- the “political” dimension of thinking in general and of educational thinking in particular.
Texts for the exam:
Mandatory for everybody:
D. Loro, Fondamenti di filosofia dell’educazione. Dispensa 2008-2009. La dispensa sarà in vendita a fine corso presso la cartoleria Ateneo, Lungadige Porta Vittoria, 37).
L. Mortari, A scuola di libertà. Formazione e pensiero autonomo, Milano, ed. Raffaello Cortina 2008.
Optional texts for your personal study:
V. Andreoli, L’uomo di vetro. La forza della fragilità, Milano, ed. Rizzoli RCS Libri, 2008.
V. E. Frankl, Uno psicologo nei lager, Milano, ed. Ares, varie edizioni.
U. Galimberti, L’ospite inquietante. Il nichilismo e i giovani, Milano, ed. Feltrinelli, 20085 (2007).
The exam consists of a three-hours’ written text. It consists of 5 open, argumentative, reflexive questions. A further optional question will deal with the optional text chosen for personal study. Upon agreement with the teacher, students can have a further integrating oral examination, if they wish. Exam scores will be registered on given days, which will be communicated on the exam day. Further details concerning the exam will be agreed during the lessons.
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