Education and Didactics Research Centre

The CRED (Center of Educational and Didactic Research), instituted in the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Verona,in December 2008, projects, realizes and evaluates researches on education, training and didactics. One of its aims is the promotion of methodological reflection, in particular concerning the qualitative research on educational and instructional processes. The CRED organizes conferences, seminars and courses for educational practitioners. Every venture is aimed at creating a relationship between university and community in order to disclose and give value to practitioners’ knowledge as well as to work in partnership with other institutions.

Specific areas of interests of the CRED are the following:

* counselling to school;

* qualitative research in educational contexts and services;

* elaboration of pedagogical theories on the basis of empirical researches;

* teacher education about reflectivity and research;

* building of educational paths for schools.

Current researches

Current researches managed by the CRED are the following:

* citizenship education;

* education to care ethics according to virtue;

* emotional education;

* ecological education;

* education about ethical dilemmas at school;

* education to foster care practice;

* education to teachers’ educational needs


The CRED research activities has produced the following publications:

Mortari, L., & Valbusa, F. (2017). Sentieri di educazione etica. Verona: Cortina.

Ubbiali, M. (2017). Generare educazione. Scuola dell’infanzia in ricerca. Verona: Cortina.

Camerella, A. (2017). Educare a pensare a questioni di bioetica. Verona: Qui Edit.

Valbusa, F. & Mortari, L. (2017). L’orto delle emozioni. Teoria e ricerca sull’educazione alla vita affettiva. Milano: FrancoAngeli.

Mortari, L., & Mazzoni, V. (2014) Le virtù a scuola. Questioni e pratiche di educazione etica. Verona: Cortina.

Mortari, L. (a cura di) (2013). Casi difficili a scuola. Milano: Bruno Mondadori.

Mortari, L. (a cura di) (2010). Dire la pratica. Milano: Bruno Mondadori.

Mortari, L. (cura di) (2010). Dire la pratica. Milano: Bruno Mondadori.

Mortari, L. (a cura di) (2009). La ricerca per i bambini. Milano: Bruno Mondadori.

Fabbro F., Agosti A., Correa E. (2017), Digital practices in primary school: is the pupil protagonist? Form@re - newsletter per la formazione in rete ,17(1), pp. 68-81.

Sità, C. (2012). Indagare l’esperienza. Roma: Carocci.

Loro, D. (2016). Interpretare l’educazione. Verona: Cortina.


prof. Luigina Mortari


prof. Alberto Agosti

prof. Claudio Girelli

prof. Angelo Lascioli

prof. Daniele Loro

dr. Valentina Mazzoni

dr. Giuseppina Messetti

prof. Luigina Mortari

prof. Roberta Silva

prof. Chiara Sità

prof. Giuseppe Tacconi

dr. Marco Ubbiali

dr. Federica Valbusa

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