When assessing a coursework program, there are many implicit theoretical assumptions (on education, learning, the learners, the meaning of `assessment’
). The acknowledgement of these theories is an inescapable premise for a conscious and accurate use, always in a specific context, of any modality and tool for the assessment and evaluation of learning in educational contexts.
The course aims at:
-Providing students with a general overview on the main assessment and evaluation teories, in particular the shift from objectifying and rationalistic tendencies to essentially qualitative tendencies, addressing forms of open and recursive assessment and evaluation;
-Helping analysing the implicit epistemologies in some experiences of assessment and evaluation;
-Helping to acquire a conscious use of some instruments of assessment and evaluation, also with reference to assessment and evaluation of and within the course itself.
The course will deal with the following issues:
-Assessment and evaluation of educational actions
-Epistemological aspects of evaluation/assessment: quantitative and qualitative theories of assessement and evaluation
-Assessment and evaluation cases
-Qualitative methods for assessment and evaluation
The contents of the course may be integrated within the course itself.
FONTANA Andrea VARCHETTA Giuseppe, La valutazione riconoscente. La valutazione della formazione nelle organizzazioni contemporanee, Guerini e associati, Milano 2005
VERGANI Alberto, Casi di valutazione. Processi valutativi e azioni formative, Il Mulino, Bologna 2004
Oral exam. Further information will be given at the beginning of the course.
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