Mother-child communication and language development after cochlear implantation: The role of mother's reaction to diagnosis, linguistic input and parenting competence

Starting date
February 1, 2017
Duration (months)
Human Sciences
Managers or local contacts
Majorano Marinella

Using an innovative approach, the present study compares 30 children with CIs with 30 chronological-age-matched children and 30 hearing-age-matched children in terms of the predictive role for their communicative development of individual factors and the characteristics of mother-child communication. Interactions between children and their mothers are observed during shared-book reading and semi-structured play, first before CI activation and then for a period of 30 months thereafter. The Parenting Stress Index PSI and the Coping Orientation to the Problems Experienced COPE are administered to each mother and the Reaction to Diagnosis Interview is conducted with each mother of children with CI. The mother-child interactions are coded according to different indices of responsiveness and syncrony. The communicative functions and the quality of mother-child communication are also considered. Data logging incorporated into the CI will furnish direct information on hearing experience (auditory environment, amount of device use each day, auditory scenes). An intervention program will be developed with the aim of helping parents of children with CIs support their communications and their socio-emotional adjustment.


OLD English Title :

Abstract Interpretation of COBOL

OLD Italian Description:

ARCTIC ( interpretazione astratta per COBOL ) ha lo scopo di sviluppare e implementare un analizzatore statico corretto per COBOL basata su interpretazione astratta. In particolare siamo interessati ad analizzare programmi COBOL di oltre 100KLOCs non comprendenti ricorsione e con una struttura statica (finita) del grafo delle chiamate di procedura. L'analisi dovrebbe generare invarianti nei punti del programma (in particolare in entrata all'iterazione ed in uscita ed in punti di programma definiti dall'utente). L'interpretazione astratta determina gli invariati interpretando il programma ed i suoi costrutti nel dominio astratto degli intervalli, ottagoni e tipi. Le avvertenze generate (allarmi) saranno generati per overflow, conversione di tipo e bugs sul dimensionamento di campi e non terminazione. l'interprete astratto sarà testato su casi d'uso specifici forniti da Corvallis spa per applicazioni specifiche in alcuni domini di interesse.


Funds: assigned and managed by the department

Project participants

Manuela Lavelli
Research Assistants
Marinella Majorano
Associate Professor
Marika Morelli

Collaboratori esterni

Christine Yoshinaga-Itano
University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Research areas involved in the project
Infanzia, famiglia, reti sociali
Psychology, Developmental
Formazione e organizzazioni
Psychology, Educational


Research facilities
