How the department is run


Council for the Degree Course for Professional Educators

AQ management group for bachelor's degree in education - L19
The AQ management group is nominated by the Council for each Degree Course, it is made up of a group of professors of the Course, which must include the Referent of the Study Program, and a students. The group annually carries out a verification of the results obtained and proposes improvement actions; cyclically prepares a specific report, which gives an account of the improvement actions carried out starting from the previous review, of the current status of the Course analyzing its strengths and weaknesses, and of the corrective actions envisaged for the future, based on the guidelines defined by the Quality Presidium.
The Commission is a component of the University Quality Assurance system.

AQ management group for master's degree in pedagogy - LM85
The AQ management group is nominated by the Council for each Degree Course, it is made up of a group of professors of the Course, which must include the Referent of the Study Program, and a students. The group annually carries out a verification of the results obtained and proposes improvement actions; cyclically prepares a specific report, which gives an account of the improvement actions carried out starting from the previous review, of the current status of the Course analyzing its strengths and weaknesses, and of the corrective actions envisaged for the future, based on the guidelines defined by the Quality Presidium.
The Commission is a component of the University Quality Assurance system.

Council for the Philosophy Degree Course

AQ management group for bachelor's degree in philosophy
The AQ management group is nominated by the Council for each Degree Course, it is made up of a group of professors of the Course, which must include the Referent of the Study Program, and a students. The group annually carries out a verification of the results obtained and proposes improvement actions; cyclically prepares a specific report, which gives an account of the improvement actions carried out starting from the previous review, of the current status of the Course analyzing its strengths and weaknesses, and of the corrective actions envisaged for the future, based on the guidelines defined by the Quality Presidium.
The Commission is a component of the University Quality Assurance system.

AQ management group for master's degree in philosophy - LM78
The AQ management group is nominated by the Council for each Degree Course, it is made up of a group of professors of the Course, which must include the Referent of the Study Program, and a students. The group annually carries out a verification of the results obtained and proposes improvement actions; cyclically prepares a specific report, which gives an account of the improvement actions carried out starting from the previous review, of the current status of the Course analyzing its strengths and weaknesses, and of the corrective actions envisaged for the future, based on the guidelines defined by the Quality Presidium.
The Commission is a component of the University Quality Assurance system.

Collegio Didattico di Psicologia per la Formazione

Il Collegio Didattico organizza le attività didattiche di un singolo corso o di più corsi di studio, anche di classi diverse purché omogenee dal punto di vista scientifico-culturale. Il Collegio Didattico può essere istituito autonomamente all’interno del Dipartimento o di una Struttura di Raccordo. Il Collegio Didattico è composto dai docenti del/i corso/i di studio e da una rappresentanza degli studenti definita dal Regolamento Generale di Ateneo. Il Collegio Didattico è convocato e presieduto da un Presidente eletto, nel proprio seno, dai componenti il Collegio stesso.
l Collegio Didattico esercita le seguenti attribuzioni:
a) organizza e coordina le attività di insegnamento e di didattica dei corsi di studio ad esso afferenti;
b) esamina e approva i piani di studio degli studenti;
c) formula proposte e pareri in ordine alle modifiche statutarie attinenti ai Corsi di Studio.

Il Collegio Didattico di Psicologia per la formazione organizza le attività didattiche per i seguenti Corsi di Laurea:
Corsi attivi: Laurea in Scienze psicologiche per la formazione - Laurea magistrale in Psicologia per la formazione; 
Corsi ad esaurimento: - Laurea in Scienze della Formazione nelle Organizzazioni - Laurea Magistrale in Formazione e Sviluppo delle Risorse Umane- Laurea in Esperti nei Processi Formativi - Laurea Specialistica in Programmazione e Gestione dei Servizi Formativi.

AQ management group for master's degree in educational psychology - LM51
The AQ management group is nominated by the Council for each Degree Course, it is made up of a group of professors of the Course, which must include the Referent of the Study Program, and a students. The group annually carries out a verification of the results obtained and proposes improvement actions; cyclically prepares a specific report, which gives an account of the improvement actions carried out starting from the previous review, of the current status of the Course analyzing its strengths and weaknesses, and of the corrective actions envisaged for the future, based on the guidelines defined by the Quality Presidium.
The Commission is a component of the University Quality Assurance system.

Commissione AQ Laurea in Scienze psicologiche per la formazione - L24

Il gruppo di gestione Assicurazione Qualità del Corso di Studio ha la funzione di garantire l'efficacia complessiva della gestione della didattica attraverso la costruzione di processi finalizzati al miglioramento del corso di studio, verificando costantemente il raggiungimento degli obiettivi prefissati. La Commissione è uno dei soggetti del sistema di Assicurazione della Qualità di Ateneo.

Collegio Didattico di Scienze della Formazione Primaria
La Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Scienze della Formazione Primaria è gestita, per i primi tre anni di avvio, da un organismo denominato Comitato Temporaneo della Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Scienze della Formazione Primaria che svolgerà funzioni analoghe a quelle di un Collegio Didattico.

AQ management group for Master's degree in primary education - LM85 bis
The AQ management group is nominated by the Council for each Degree Course, it is made up of a group of professors of the Course, which must include the Referent of the Study Program, and a students. The group annually carries out a verification of the results obtained and proposes improvement actions; cyclically prepares a specific report, which gives an account of the improvement actions carried out starting from the previous review, of the current status of the Course analyzing its strengths and weaknesses, and of the corrective actions envisaged for the future, based on the guidelines defined by the Quality Presidium.
The Commission is a component of the University Quality Assurance system.

Collegio Didattico di Servizio Sociale

Il Collegio Didattico organizza le attività didattiche di un singolo corso o di più corsi di studio, anche di classi diverse purché omogenee dal punto di vista scientifico-culturale. Il Collegio Didattico può essere istituito autonomamente all’interno del Dipartimento o di una Struttura di Raccordo. Il Collegio Didattico è composto dai docenti del/i corso/i di studio e da una rappresentanza degli studenti definita dal Regolamento Generale di Ateneo. Il Collegio Didattico è convocato e presieduto da un Presidente eletto, nel proprio seno, dai componenti il Collegio stesso. Il Collegio Didattico esercita le seguenti attribuzioni: a) organizza e coordina le attività di insegnamento e di didattica dei corsi di studio ad esso afferenti; b) esamina e approva i piani di studio degli studenti; c) formula proposte e pareri in ordine alle modifiche statutarie attinenti ai Corsi di Studio. Il Collegio Didattico di Servizio Sociale organizza le attività didattiche per i seguenti Corsi di Laurea: Corsi attivi: - Laurea in Scienze del Servizio Sociale - Laurea Magistrale in Servizio Sociale in Ambiti Complessi;   Corsi ad esaurimento: - Laurea Magistrale in Servizio Sociale e Politiche Sociali - Laurea Specialistica in Progettazione ed attuazione di interventi di servizio sociale ad elevata complessità        

AQ management group for bachelor's degree in social work - L39
The AQ management group is nominated by the Council for each Degree Course, it is made up of a group of professors of the Course, which must include the Referent of the Study Program, and a students. The group annually carries out a verification of the results obtained and proposes improvement actions; cyclically prepares a specific report, which gives an account of the improvement actions carried out starting from the previous review, of the current status of the Course analyzing its strengths and weaknesses, and of the corrective actions envisaged for the future, based on the guidelines defined by the Quality Presidium.
The Commission is a component of the University Quality Assurance system.

AQ management group for master's degree in social work complex area
The AQ management group is nominated by the Council for each Degree Course, it is made up of a group of professors of the Course, which must include the Referent of the Study Program, and a students. The group annually carries out a verification of the results obtained and proposes improvement actions; cyclically prepares a specific report, which gives an account of the improvement actions carried out starting from the previous review, of the current status of the Course analyzing its strengths and weaknesses, and of the corrective actions envisaged for the future, based on the guidelines defined by the Quality Presidium.
The Commission is a component of the University Quality Assurance system.

Collegio Didattico di Studi Strategici per la Sicurezza e le Politiche Internazionali
Il Collegio Didattico organizza le attività didattiche di un singolo corso o di più corsi di studio, anche di classi diverse purché omogenee dal punto di vista scientifico-culturale.

Commissione AQ Laurea in Studi Strategici per la Sicurezza e le Politiche Internazionali
Commissione AQ Laurea in Studi Strategici per la Sicurezza e le Politiche Internazionali


Department facilities
