Filosofia e sociologia nei contesti educativi - L'AGIRE ETICO NELLA CONTEMPORANEITA' (2019/2020)

Course not running

Course code
Name of lecturer
Igor Pelgreffi
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Language of instruction
not yet allocated

To show the organization of the course that includes this module, follow this link * Course organization

Learning outcomes

The teaching module has as its fundamental objectives:
- improve and consolidate the student's knowledge of the main ethical issues in the field of behaviour and educational relationship, in a broad sense;
- increase self-awareness on the same issues.
In particular, the issue of communication's ethics will be addressed, with particular attention to the theme of "narration", examining its ethical implications and the problems that arise, on a philosophical level, both in the behaviour of the educator and in that of the educator. The final specific objective is to be able to make a brief analysis of a life story case study, based on the knowledge and skills acquired.


TITLE: Communication, storytelling, life stories: an ethical approach

In the first part of the course, it will be provide the rudiments of a particular field of ethical act, that is, the one connected to the "ethics of communication". The meaning of communicating, in relation to the typical modalities of the contemporary world, will be deepened. An unilateral, "algorithmic" and "informational" model of communication will be compared with a different model, based on complexity, reciprocal and "forming" interaction of the communicative relationship.

Subsequently, the problem of narration and life stories will be examined, understood as a typical moment of the educator's experience, by analizing some specific aspects and figures: person and mask; narrative identity, plot, idem and ipse identity (Paul Ricoeur); being told and the role of the other (Adriana Cavarero); the second birth through writing (Aldo Gargani); autobiography; the blog; life stories and social media; digital diaries and self-care. Some texts will be provided by the teacher.

In the remaining part of the course, the student will be called to a personal work that concerns a life story of which he has experienced. The life story will be a case study, that will have to be critically reread and rethought in the light of some contents proposed in the course. The construction and drafting of a written exercise is required, where it should emerge the self-reflective aspect, with respect to the themes of communication, language, and narration applied to the case study of the chosen life story.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam consists in the delivery of a written text. Starting from the contents examined and discussed in the course lessons, students will have to elaborate a text in which a case study of a "life story" or a fragment of it, which they have encountered in their professional or existential experience, will be examined.

The meaning of this final work, as well as its formative value, consists in the fact that, starting from their own experience, students undertake a work of critical reflection and interpretation, that is, rethinking their own professional knowledge and experience. Students should therefore show that they are able to expand their knowledge, functional then to the educational action, through a personal synthesis between their previous knowledge and experiences and those learned from the module.

Maximum length of the writing: 1000 words.
Delivery time: by the date of the exam.

In carrying out the elaborate, which is free, the following elements will in any case be reported:

- a short description of the "life story", or of a significant part of it, which is intended to be proposed;
- the reason (or reasons) for which this "life story" is considered significant;
- at least a link between the topics covered during the lessons and the analysis of that particular "life story". In this last part it is desirable to insert a comment, also of a personal and /or experiential nature, meant as a further deepening of daily practice in the psycho-pedagogical field, which may include both the level of confirmation of the topics covered and the level of a critical discussion.
