Research groups

Center of Research in Psychology “HEMOT – Helmet for EMOTions”

The group conducts and promotes research activities on emotional competence and resilience regarding both positive and stressful/traumatic events, such as disasters and emergencies. The activities are based on a psychological perspective and involve children, adolescents and adults, focusing on the whole life course. The group designs and implements training activities to foster psychological resilience, integrating different methodologies, taking advantage of the benefits of the new technologies, and involving several participants and stakeholders. The activities of the group regard: - Base and applied research, also including activities such as design, training, counselling and dissemination - Participation to projects, provisions of fellowship/PhD scholarships and other initiatives aimed at consolidating study and research paths of the group
Roberto Burro
Associate Professor
Giada Vicentini
Temporary Professor
Daniela Raccanello
Associate Professor
Topic Research area
Psychophysics Metodi di ricerca nelle scienze umane
Psychology, Experimental
Psychology of traumatic events Infanzia, famiglia, reti sociali
Psychology, Developmental
Psychology of Perception Metodi di ricerca nelle scienze umane
Psychology, Experimental
Psychology of personality and individual differences Metodi di ricerca nelle scienze umane
Psychology, Applied
Psychology of emotions and motivation in learning processes Formazione e organizzazioni
Psychology, Educational
Psychology of emotional development Infanzia, famiglia, reti sociali
Psychology, Multidisciplinary
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
PROGETTO PrEmT - Prevenzione Emotiva e Terremoti nella scuola primaria Daniela Raccanello Fondazione Cariverona Mar 15, 2018 36


Research facilities
