
Compliance to eXtreme Apprenticeship in a programming course: Performance, achievement emotions, and self-efficacy  (2019)

Brondino, M.; Del Fatto, V.; Gennari, R.; Pasini, M.; Raccanello, D.
Compliance to eXtreme Apprenticeship in a programming course: Performance, achievement emotions, and self-efficacy
Type of item:
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
Tipologia ANVUR:
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
Book Title:
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing
Page numbers:
Performance; Achievement emotions; Self-efficacy
Short description of contents:
We investigated the efficacy of using the eXtreme Apprenticeship (XA) methodology for teaching programming courses at the university by consid-ering an often-neglected aspect: students’ achievement emotions in XA tasks. We involved 53 university students who participated in a XA-based programming course. We assessed students’ performance in the course, their achievement emotions and self-efficacy. Key results of the study are pre-sented in the paper. Students with a higher compliance towards the course performed better and were characterised by less intense anxiety, anger, and hopelessness compared to those with a lower compliance. Among achieve-ment emotions, only shame mediated the relation between self-efficacy and performance. Such findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical and applied relevance.
Product ID:
Handle IRIS:
Last Modified:
November 11, 2022
Bibliographic citation:
Brondino, M.; Del Fatto, V.; Gennari, R.; Pasini, M.; Raccanello, D., Compliance to eXtreme Apprenticeship in a programming course: Performance, achievement emotions, and self-efficacy Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing2019pp. 123-130

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