The course aims at developing an in-depth knowledge of continuous training in organizations, starting from the concept of competence and focusing on the analysis of strategies to develop and modifying continuous training. Special attention will be dedicated to the analysis of the features of the organizational context and to the understanding of the conditions determining motivation, engagement and efficacy of training. Finally, the course aims at offering an overview of the regulations on continuous training in some European countries.
Continuous training in Europe: state of the art and developments
Continuous training: theoretical foundations and practical strategies
The organizational context: resources and constraints
Motivation, engagement and participation in continuous training in organizations
Books for evaluation:
Compulsory textbook
Fraccaroli F., Apprendimento e formazione nelle organizzazioni, Il Mulino, 2007.
A book chosen by the students
Ajello A. M. La competenza, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2002.
Battistelli A., Apprendere partecipando, Guerini e Associati, Milano, 2003.
Mezirow J. Apprendimento e trasformazione, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, 2003.
Odoardi C. (a cura di), Formazione e sviluppo nelle organizzazioni, GiuntiO.S., Firenze, 2009.
At the beginning of the course, a selection of articles written in a foreign language will be proposed for possible developments of the topics illustrated during the course. Depending on the students’ interests, it will also be possible to come to an agreement with the teacher for individualized references.
Oral exam.
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