Research groups

APRESO - Applied Research in Society and Organizations
APRESO (Applied Research in Society and Organizations) is the name of a group of scholars and practitioners dealing with research and interventions in social and work and organizational psychology fields. As for the social field, members of APRESO deal, for example, with dynamics of cooperation and competition, self-centered (selfish) and other-centered (altruistic) behaviors, the phenomenon of volunteering and social innovation. As for work and organizational psychology, members of APRESO deal, for example, with learning and training, differences between different professional roles, work socialization and organizational innovation. APRESO adopts a scientist-practitioner approach according to which research is oriented by practical needs and interventions are designed based on those models that have obtained valid and reliable empirical support. Finally, APRESO makes use of both qualitative and quantitative approaches, as well as mixed methods, in order to carry out studies and implement interventions, annexing scholars from different fields of social research (psychologists, pedagogists, sociologists, economists, etc.).
Applied Psychology Measurement Lab

Departmental Interdisciplinary Research - EMOTIONS (ARIdip – EMOTIONS)
The Group focuses on emotions as the subject of theoretico-empirical study in the field of human sciences, highlighting and increasing the possible contributions arising from philosophy, psycho-paedagogy and sociology.
Departmental Interdisciplinary Research - NEW FRAGILITIES (ARIdip - NEW FRAGILITIES)
The group deals with the new forms of human and social fragility, which are spreading in current social contexts, both in real and virtual contexts.
Departmental Interdisciplinary Research - SCHOOL (ARIdip – SCHOOL)
The Group proposes a research project on the topic "School and social cohesion in Italy".
Business-to-consumer studies in the healthcare management industry
Gli obiettivi del gruppo di ricerca sono di seguito dettagliati sono consistiti nell’indagare le dinamiche e le forze che operano in relazionane ai consumatori di specifici settori, in particolare l’audiology industry, secondo una prospettiva di service management e consumer behaviour.
Centre for Intercultural Studies
The main aim of the Centre for Intercultural Studies, established at the Department of Educational Science in 1998, is to conduct research, provide cultural services, and develop education theories and teaching methods for a pluralist and multicultural society. The Centre supports and engages in intercultural education, counseling, research and training for schools and professionals in the fields of education, healthcare, social work, law, culture management, business, media and local government. The Centre operates in collaboration with several institutions, authorities and associations, both public and private, national and international, and with accredited professionals. It also cooperates with the IAIE (International Association for Intercultural Education). The Centre disseminates knowledge and information at a local, national and international level to researchers, experts, educators, social workers, and economic and legal advisers.
Choices of adoption/non-adoption of new ICT tools
Il gruppo di propone di indagare, secondo modelli scientifici comprovati dalle Scienze Sociali (Business Management e Psicometria) i costrutti latenti che determinano la scelta di adozione di uno strumento legato all'Information and Communication Technologies. Il gruppo di lavoro si è focalizzato su due principali mercati: quello dell'healthcare e quello del vino.
The research group develops scientifically sound tools to understand the psychology of customers/consumers, therefore tastes, perceptions, emotions, motivations, personality, expectations... in relation to a specific product or service (a drink, a perfume, a food, a danger signal, an advertising message, a banking service...). These psychological aspects guide people's behaviors and preferences, both in terms of choice and purchase behaviors and those of disinterest and avoidance.
Experimental Phenomenology of Perception Lab

Quality of Life Research Group
Multi-center and multidisciplinary national research group for the evaluation of quality of life in patients undergoing cystectomy and urinary derivation for bladder neoplasia.
Il patrimonio storico dell'ex manicomio di Verona San Giacomo alla Tomba
Il gruppo di ricerca si propone di valorizzare il patrimonio dell’ex manicomio del San Giacomo alla Tomba di Verona, costituito prevalentemente da cartelle cliniche (circa 40.000).
Population aging and generational transitions
The project deals with the demographic change in an interdisciplinary perspective and aims to elaborate new juridical tools for this problem and for the related generational transitions.
Work and quality of working life
The research group develops analyzes on the dynamics of work, with particular reference to the quality of working life in relation to the change of organizational models and the constitution of new emerging economic forms. The research activity concerns various sectors of the production of goods and services, both public and private, with the aim of identifying indicators and measures of quality of working life, understood as the quality of work and the relationship between work and life. From a methodological point of view, qualitative and quantitative methodologies are used in an integrated form to develop analysis projects, that directly involve various subjects of the territory during the planning and implementation of the activities and the dissemination of the results.
MelArete – virtue ethics
The research group “MelArete – virtue ethics” is aimed at designing and conducting educative researches on ethical, spiritual and political education, creating and evaluating educative paths useful for schools (“service research”). The inquiries conducted by the group collect and nurture the richness of children’s thought about great ethical themes (different virtues and the concepts of good, care, friendship, spirituality and politics), working together with teachers and for them, in order to bring these themes at the heart of educational practices.
RE-WOrk REsearching for REmaking Work and Organizing
Il Centro nasce dall’idea di studiare e ipotizzare possibili percorsi di ripensamento del lavoro e delle organizzazioni, orientati al miglioramento della qualità della vita lavorativa, avendo cura di radicare le proprie analisi dentro i processi in atto e di costruire relazioni con attori significativi interessati ai temi del Centro. RE-WOrk ha principalmente lo scopo di promuovere e realizzare attività di ricerca e divulgazione scientifica sui temi del cambiamento del lavoro (principalmente in termini di organizzazione del lavoro, contenuto del lavoro, cultura del lavoro e sistemi di regolazione) e delle implicazioni che i cambiamenti producono sulla qualità della vita lavorativa delle persone al lavoro.
SLD-Group, Research Group on Social & Language Development
The Research Group focuses on early social and language developmental processes.
Sociology of consumption

Sociology of collective memory
"Sociology of memory" aims to develop some theoretical and empirical lines of research around the social dimensions of remembering. The theme of collective memory is directly linked to the name of Maurice Halbwachs and to the Durkheimian sociology in which this notion has been developed. However, almost a century after the first, pioneering studies of the sociologist of Reims, it seems to be felt by many the need to rethink the classic categories of the social process of memory. The notion of collective memory appears enigmatic and multidimensional, open to multiple approaches. Through theoretical reflections (studies on authors, currents of thought and ideas) and empirical (analysis of practices and commemorative speeches), the research group aims to reflect on one of the most fascinating and complex dimensions of culture.
Sociology of Health and Medicine
The research group develops and delves into issues related to the sociology of health and illness, through qualitative and quantitative research in collaboration with care professionals.
Volunteering and Third Sector Organisations
The group was born as a result of previous collaborations between members of the Department and colleagues from other universities on the subject of volunteering. The research activity is aimed at analyzing the Third Sector and the phenomenon of volunteering, with particular attention to how they intertwine with the dynamics and problems that characterise the current society. Particular attention is given to new forms of volunteering. From a methodological point of view, the methodological approaches of the different human sciences will be applied in integrated ways. This is expected to favour the emergence of a multidisciplinary look on the phenomenon. Finally, the research activity is aimed to develop projects and research-intervention that directly involve various subjects of the territory.


Research facilities
